
Seven of Wands

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - Seven of Wands General: The Seven of Wands signifies a period of standing firm and defending your position. After the initial spark of inspiration (Ace of Wands), you find yourself in a situation where you need to assert yourself and protect your goals and achievements. This card suggests that challenges or opposition may arise, and you are ready to take a stand, demonstrating your resilience and determination. Love: In matters of love, the Seven of Wands indicates a passionate and assertive approach to your romantic goals. It may represent the start of a new phase where you need to defend or assert your desires in the relationship. This card suggests that you are ready to take action to ensure your romantic needs are met and to protect the love you've cultivated. Family and Friends : Within the realm of family and friends, the Seven of Wands suggests that you may encounter challenges or conflicts in your relationships. It's a time to assert your

Six of Wands

EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - Six of Wands General: The Six of Wands heralds a time of triumph and recognition. After the initial spark of inspiration (Ace of Wands), you are now experiencing a significant level of success and acknowledgment. This card suggests that your efforts have not only borne fruit but have also gained recognition from others. It's a moment to bask in your achievements and feel a sense of pride in what you have accomplished. Love: In matters of love, the Six of Wands indicates a period of romantic triumph. This could manifest as a deeper connection in an existing relationship or the recognition of your efforts in pursuing love. Your passion and desires are met with success, and there's a sense of being celebrated in your romantic endeavors. Family and Friends: Within the realm of family and friends, the Six of Wands suggests that your relationships are flourishing, and your efforts to connect are being celebrated. It's a time of bonding and recognition

Four of Wands

EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - Four of Wands General: The Four of Wands represents a moment of celebration and achievement. It signifies a harmonious and stable foundation after the initial spark of inspiration (Ace of Wands). You are now reaping the rewards of your hard work and creative endeavors. This card suggests a time of joy, communal celebration, and the acknowledgment of your potential for growth and success. Love: In matters of love, the Four of Wands indicates a period of celebration and harmony within your romantic relationships. This could signify reaching a significant milestone, such as an anniversary or a deeper commitment. It reflects a time of joy and stability, where your romantic goals are realized, and you can fully embrace the passion and desires that fuel your connection. Family and Friends: Within the realm of family and friends, the Four of Wands suggests a time of bonding and celebration. Your relationships are thriving, and there's a sense of unity and conn

Five of Wands

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - Five of Wands General: The Five of Wands introduces a period of challenges and competition after the initial burst of inspiration (Ace of Wands). It suggests that you may be facing conflicts or obstacles in your path. This card urges you to navigate these challenges with resilience and determination, reminding you that growth often involves overcoming difficulties and learning from the experience. Love: In matters of love, the Five of Wands indicates potential conflicts or disagreements in your romantic relationships. It may be a time of passionate differences or misunderstandings. This card encourages you to address these challenges openly and find constructive solutions to strengthen your connection. Family and Friends: Within the realm of family and friends, the Five of Wands suggests that there might be some tensions or disagreements within your close circles. It's essential to navigate these conflicts with an open mind and a willingness to find co

Three of Wands

EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - Three of Wands General: The Three of Wands signifies progress and expansion. After the initial spark of inspiration (Ace of Wands), you are now seeing the fruits of your efforts. This card suggests that your projects and plans are starting to take shape, and you have a broader view of your goals. It's a phase of looking ahead with confidence and anticipation, knowing that your potential for growth and success is unfolding. Love: In matters of love, the Three of Wands symbolizes the expansion of your romantic horizons. If you're in a relationship, this may represent a time of shared goals and future planning. For singles, it indicates that you're ready to explore new romantic possibilities beyond your immediate circle. This card encourages you to be open-minded and adventurous in matters of the heart. Family and Friends: Within the realm of family and friends, the Three of Wands suggests that your connections are evolving. New opportunities for bond

Two of Wands

EcoSoul Botanical  Tarot: Two of Wands General: The Two of Wands signifies a moment of decision and planning. It suggests that you are at a crossroads, considering different paths and opportunities. This card encourages you to explore your options, make choices, and take control of your destiny. You have the potential for personal growth and success, and now is the time to set your goals in motion. Love: In matters of love, the Two of Wands indicates a period of contemplation and decision-making. You may be evaluating your current relationship or considering the possibility of a new one. This card suggests that you have the power to shape your romantic future. It's a time to take action, whether it's deepening your commitment or exploring new connections. Embrace your desires and make choices that align with your romantic goals. Family and Friends: The Two of Wands brings a sense of exploration and expansion to your relationships with family and friends. You might be contempl