
Important Event in the next 24 Hours

 The Six of Wands typically represents victory, success, recognition, and public acclaim. It signifies that you have achieved a significant milestone or have accomplished a goal that is well-recognized and respected by others. This card is associated with leadership, confidence, and a sense of achievement and accomplishment. The Ten of Wands, on the other hand, signifies a burden, overwhelm, and feeling weighed down. It suggests that you may be taking on too much responsibility or working too hard, leading to exhaustion and burnout. Clarified by the Ten of Wands, the Six of Wands suggests that while you may have achieved success and recognition in your endeavors, it may have come at a cost. You may be carrying a heavy workload or feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, causing stress and exhaustion.  You may also be having trouble with a mode of transportation that's left you feeling burdened, and a crucial decision needs to be made about your career or where you reside. It'

The Unexpected

What unexpected event is coming up for you in the near future? Let's examine: The Three of Swords is often associated with heartbreak, emotional pain, and the end of a relationship or a betrayal. When clarified by the Queen of Wands, a card that represents passion, courage, and creativity, it could suggest that the unexpected event is related to a creative project or a business venture that may fail or face significant obstacles. Alternatively, this combination of cards could indicate a situation where a person in a position of power or authority (represented by the Queen of Wands) may cause emotional pain or betrayal (represented by the Three of Swords). This person could be someone you know or someone in the public eye. Specifically: The unexpected arrival of a person whom you were involved with in the past. This person may be a fire sign - Leo or Sagittarius. They caused you some distress or broke your heart. These cards may also indicate the unexpected arrival of money through

XIV. Temperance

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Hibiscus General: The Temperance card represents balance, harmony, and moderation. It suggests that you may need to find a middle ground or compromise in order to achieve your goals. It may also indicate a need to approach things with patience, understanding, and a sense of calm. Love: In matters of love, the Temperance card suggests that a balanced approach may be needed in order to create harmony and a sense of calm in your relationship. It may indicate the need to find a middle ground or compromise, and to approach things with patience and understanding. Family and Friends: The Temperance card represents balance and harmony, and suggests that your relationships with family and friends may require a middle ground or compromise in order to maintain peace and stability. It may indicate the need to approach things with patience, understanding, and a sense of calm. The Unexpected: The Temperance card represents balance and suggests that unexpected events m

XIII. Death

EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - Death   General: The Death card represents endings, transformation, and change. It suggests that a significant change or transformation is likely to occur, and that you may need to let go of old patterns or beliefs in order to move forward. It may also indicate a need to embrace the inevitability of change and the impermanence of all things. Love: In matters of love, the Death card suggests that a significant transformation or change is likely to occur in your relationship. It may indicate the end of an old relationship pattern or the need to let go of outdated beliefs in order to move forward. It may also suggest a need to embrace the inevitability of change and to be open to new experiences. Family and Friends: The Death card represents endings and transformation, and suggests that your relationships with family and friends may be undergoing a significant change or shift. It may indicate the need to let go of old patterns or beliefs in order to move forward,

XII. The Hanged Man

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Hanged Man General: The Hanged Man represents surrender, sacrifice, and letting go of control. It suggests that you may be going through a period of waiting or transition, and that you may need to let go of your preconceived notions in order to gain a new perspective. It may also indicate a need for acceptance and patience. Love: In matters of love, the Hanged Man suggests that you may need to let go of your expectations and surrender control in order to gain a new perspective. It may indicate a need for patience and acceptance, and a willingness to wait for the right person or situation to come along. Family and Friends: The Hanged Man represents surrender and sacrifice and suggests that your relationships with family and friends may require a willingness to let go of control and gain a new perspective. It may indicate a need for acceptance and patience, and a willingness to wait for things to fall into place. The Unexpected: The Hanged Man represen

XI. Justice

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - Justice General: The Justice card represents balance, fairness, and truth. It suggests that you may be facing a decision or situation that requires careful consideration and a rational, objective approach. It may also indicate a need for accountability and taking responsibility for your actions. Love: In matters of love, the Justice card suggests that you may need to take a more objective and rational approach to your relationships. It may indicate a need for balance and fairness in your partnerships, and a need for taking responsibility for your actions and decisions. Family and Friends: The Justice card represents balance and fairness and suggests that your relationships with family and friends may require a rational, objective approach. It may indicate a need for accountability and taking responsibility for your actions and decisions. The Unexpected: The Justice card represents balance and fairness and suggests that unexpected events may require a meas

X. The Wheel of Fortune

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Wheel of Fortune General: The Wheel of Fortune represents cycles of change, destiny, and karma. It suggests that you may be experiencing a turning point in your life, and that the outcome may be influenced by fate or circumstances beyond your control. It also indicates that things may be moving in cycles or patterns, and that what goes up must come down. Love: In matters of love, the Wheel of Fortune suggests that your love life may be going through a period of change or upheaval. It may indicate that you need to let go of the past and embrace new opportunities in order to find happiness. Family and Friends: The Wheel of Fortune represents cycles of change and suggests that your relationships with family and friends may be going through a period of transformation. It may indicate that you need to let go of old patterns and embrace new opportunities in order to find harmony and balance. The Unexpected: The Wheel of Fortune represents cycles of change and