
From Grasshopper to Master


The Real Secret

  When I listen to most millionaires and successful  people speak, this is always my take-away: This is the formula for success in any endeavor.

The Affirmation for Attracting Anything!


A Zodiac All-Signs Tarot Finance Reading

    Good E'en  to all my gentle man-ifesters,  If money is your focus, this is your zodiac tarot finance reading for the week in the header.  (The week ahead) Zodiac Sign Predictions Aries (March 21-April 19) Have you been saving for a vacation, Aries? You seem really satisfied and very happy with your money situation this week. I dare say, you have more than enough money to splurge. You are being generous with your funds,  taking trips and going on get-a-ways - where you visit luxurious spas for for massages and much needed healing and  relaxation.  Taurus (April 20 - May 20) This week you're setting your sights on financial goals.  Planning out your future and talking, perhaps, to a financial advisor or counselor.  This could also mean setting a budget that you would like to stick to. Others of you have a head start and simply want to preserve the money you've accumulated. And it seems to be a good amount.  The end result is,  you'd like  to gain more or protect your

Part I. On Your Mark. Set your Intention. Go! Which astrological transit will bring your manifestation to life?

What's the Point? Good E'en my gentle-manifesters,  Honestly, I'm not sure if this a predictive or an explanatory article.  Not sure, but we will figure it out as we go along.  The whole idea behind this writing is to let you know which astrological transit should you utilize  to bring what you are trying to manifest into being .  What is the best time to do manifestation work for your zodiac sign? What I mean by that is: the best time to  set your intentions, script, pray,  visualize, etc... so that your desires actually actualize in your physical reality.  I noticed that astrology can facilitate your manifestation and bring it life.  My guides or higher self, depending on which you believe in - pointed this out to me.  Certain times, or transits can speed your manifestation or even...get ready for it....MAKE IT HAPPEN!   I was like....Whaaaaa?  No, I'm lying. I wasn't that surprised, but it made sense to me.  Astrologers can tell you the perfect time to get marri

Collective Tarot Predictions Reading: "Reclaiming Your Power and Time"

  Good E'en my gentle-manifesters, This is a collective prediction for the week in the header.   Big changes ahead, I see. Yes, in education, business and romance.   Because you feel stressed out and want a change.  First, some of you have decided to change  a challenging course or path in your life, or literally - a course that you are taking at school.  This puts you on a better path. Now you feel you can tackle any challenges, and you will. You will fight until you succeed.   As it relates to business and career, you may tackle a new job that comes in the form of an apprenticeship or sponsorship or internship. At your current place of employment,  you may feel like you are laboring with little support. Phew. Hang in there!   Others of you may have a  little tough luck and have to or choose to "separate" from your current career/job during Libra season, which means, you could quit, be demoted, or let go.  For all you business owners who are struggling, I see that you

Collective Tarot Reading "Incoming News": "Worry about your Livelihood"

  If love is your focus, this is your collective  "Incoming News" tarot reading for the week in the header. I hope you enjoy. Congratulations on the new hobby! Baking or cooking suits you, but everyone may not, yet, appreciate your wares or your creative and  experimental cooking style.  Give it time.  This week you explore new ways to spend your time.  And after much worry about your business, an employer or employment situation,  an important message comes in. Either way, you receive kudos or the news is good.   The news may be related to   a finished project, investigation or case. This is likely something you've been worried about. The news  will put your mind at ease.  If you've been waiting to hear about a job situation placed on hold, you still have your job. Waiting to hear back about an  offer? You'll get it - that is- if you still want it. Financial gains will come from both. Another congrats to those of you who are about to complete an important milesto