
Using Scripting to Manifest

One of the most popular techniques used to manifest intentions is scripting.  Scripting is simply wiriting down your intentions, repeatedly. You can  choose to write down your intentions once a day or at  the same time daily in a dedicated notebook or journal. What's important is that when you write your intention down,  you do it at least three times for each session.  In Vedic astrology, their is a belief  that when choosing a person chooses a new name for a name change, that in order to change the years of energy stored in a person's old name, one should  sign his or her new name a specific amount of times per day using a certain colored ink. When trying to manifest your intention, scripting with a certain colored ink pen or pencil or on a specific colored pad could also be useful. Choose a color that you feel attracted to  based on the intention you are setting. When writing down your intention, be sure to first set the intention for exactly what you want in your mind, and

It's Over: Three (3) Signs That Will Let You Know When to Move On From Your Intention

   Your intention is the goal or dream you want to bring into existence.  Many people set their sights on a goal and never want to let go.  They hang on for dear life.  They may waste their talents, time and energy on something that will never come to pass. Not everything you try to manifest will come to pass. That's not pessimism, just a harsh reality.   I'll give you two explanations. The esoteric:  your intention or goal or dream won't manifest because it's not meant for you. The mundane: you give up too soon or are disheartened by obstacles.   But honestly, I feel closer to the esoteric explanation which touts: what's truly meant for you will never pass you by, even when you give up.   So what are three ways you can  truly recognize that your intention will manifest?  I asked my tarot and oracle cards to explain. This is what they told me:   Number 1 Interpretation of Invisible and The Two of Wands- not seeing what you are supposed to easily see from your work o

Walk the Path: Steps to Actually Manifesting Your Desires into Reality

If you are new to the art of manifesting what you want, let me be clear. You have to follow a few rules. Yes, of course you do.   Unfortunately, everything in existence is bound by rules.   But that's ok.  I'm going to give you the rules that my tarot/oracle cards gave me.  That's what this blog is about, examining and combining tarot and manifestation.   These are the general steps and rules for manifesting according to my oracle deck: I've attached a picture of the cards I received below for your viewing pleasure.  1. Psychic    The eye is all about vision and clear focus - very easy to understand. Set an intention:    Focus on it. Dream and imagine it, then be very "clear."  Clearly   define it .  As an educator, I was always taught to begin with the end in mind when I was planning.  At the end of my lesson, what did I want my students to learn.   For example, I used a goal that was Specific, Measureable ,  Attainable ,  Relevant and Timely   (SMART).  Th

A Comment on Manifesting

  The first thing I heard when I began to write this post was that manifestation is a gift. For those who can reconnect to even a spark of passion, intuition and creativity, it is truly a blessing.  In simple terms, manifestation is the ability to turn your desires into reality.  In the most mundane sense: being able to conceive a goal and work at that goal until it shows up in the real  In the esoteric sense: it's magically bringing something into your reality by perception or by using all the senses.  But mainly by just thinking about something long enough and oft to make it occur. Is this really possible?  Can someone just think of something and poof! It happens? That's why I began this journey. I have already magically manifested little things into my reality simply by speaking about them.  Things have even happened by me thinking about them.  What  I noticed  was the most consistent, however, was that I had to be experiencing real emotions for something to manifest.  For e

Nope Not Today: Twin Flame Relationships are Simply B.S.

Before you accuse me of being negative, just continue reading. My reasons for not accepting Twin Flame Relat ionships as legit are simple: 1. When most people say Twin Flames, they mean finding "the one" true romantic soulmate that was created especially for them. This is someone most people see as their reflection or mirror - a harmonious counterpart. 2. What once was relegated to the understanding of a few "New Age" folk, has now become mainstream and trendy--like conspiracy theories. People are just creating a foolish, romanticized and highly idealized relationship with expectations that are out of reach. Life isn't a Hollywood movie. 3. A perfect relationship, or at least one that's perfect for you, should be harmonious and not wrought with conflict, evasiveness and separation. I mean, who wants this? Most people claim that Twin Flame relationships always include a separation.   NOPE!  Karmic relationships include a separation. Some soul contracts inclu

Recognize Soul Contracts: Wherever you Go, There You Are

The King of Cups  is symbolic of Soul Ties Image Courtesy Spirfor:                           Blooming Ivy Tarot Deck   Let me confirm that we are all destined to meet whomever we meet.  Be it short-term or long-term. But have you ever asked yourself why you keep meeting the same type of a person over and over?  Ever met someone who seemed so familiar to you that you thought you'd known him or her before? Or maybe you just met someone who reminded you so much of someone else. When such uncanny occurrences happen, it's more than just having sun signs in common or coincidence.  It is an encounter with someone from your soul family or group. Someone who is part of our soul family is a soul who we've contracted with and are destined to have interactions with in your current life or another- regardless of free will. For example, you meet a person when you live in New York who you have a soul contract with, but don't complete because the relationship becomes too tumultuous. Yo

Our World's Creation as Explained by My Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

Consulting a deck of tarot cards can be fun and interesting. I like to consult tarot for self-improvement, reflection and  about the things that tend to confound us or that we have issues finding/getting real answers for. Keep reading to see how my deck of tarot cards (RWS) explained creation through symbology. Creation is cyclic. (Western Version) 0/22 The Fool - God, and Man merged; The Ending and the Beginning; Birth 21. The World - Eternity; Time-Time Passing 20. Judgment - God's law; God's final determination as it applies to his creations-including spiritual servants 19. Sun - Creation of the suns 18. The Moon - Creation of the moons 17. The Star - Creation of stars 16. The Tower - Heaven, a pantheon and the attempted mutiny/coup of heaven; In the bible-the fall of Lucifer and his angels. 15. Devil - Sin/Evil/Temptation/Corruption 14. Temperance - Beginning creation of things; The laws, ingredients, and ideas for the conception of man, beings & universes; Science and