
Showing posts with the label tarot glossary

Ace of Wands

  Ecosoul Botanical Tarot - Ace of Wands General:  The Ace of Wands represents new beginnings, inspiration, and creativity. It suggests that you have the potential for growth and success, and that you are ready to take action towards your goals. Love:  In matters of love, the Ace of Wands represents passion, desire, and new beginnings. It may indicate the start of a new relationship or a renewed sense of passion in an existing one. It suggests that you are ready to take action towards your romantic goals and embrace your desires. Family and Friends:  The Ace of Wands represents new energy and inspiration in your relationships with family and friends. It suggests that you have the potential for growth and connection, and that new opportunities for bonding and creativity may arise. The Unexpected:  The Ace of Wands represents the unexpected arrival of inspiration and new beginnings. It suggests that you may be surprised by a new opportunity or idea that sparks your passion and creativity

XXI. The World

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The World General: The World card represents completion, achievement, and fulfillment. It suggests that you have reached a state of wholeness and harmony, and that you are ready to take on new challenges and adventures. Love: In matters of love, the World card represents a deep sense of connection and union with your partner. It may indicate a long-term commitment or a marriage. It suggests that you are in a place of mutual understanding and shared goals, and that your relationship is strong and fulfilling. Family and Friends: The World card represents a sense of wholeness and completion in your relationships with family and friends. It suggests that you have found a sense of harmony and balance, and that your connections are strong and fulfilling. It may also indicate a sense of belonging and community. The Unexpected: The World card represents completion and fulfillment. It suggests that unexpected events may lead to a sense of wholeness and harmony in you

XX. Judgment

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - Judgment General: The Judgment card represents a spiritual awakening, a new beginning, and a call to action. It suggests that you are being called to take a fresh look at your life and make important decisions that will lead to personal growth and fulfillment. Love: In matters of love, the Judgment card represents a renewed commitment and a second chance. It may indicate the rekindling of a relationship or the opportunity to start fresh with someone new. It suggests that forgiveness and understanding are key to creating a strong and lasting bond. Family and Friends: The Judgment card represents a new beginning and a fresh start. It suggests that you may need to let go of old patterns and ways of thinking in order to create more harmonious relationships with family and friends. It may also indicate a time of healing and forgiveness. The Unexpected: The Judgment card represents a spiritual awakening and a call to action. It suggests that unexpected events may

IX. The Sun

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Sun General: The Sun card represents success, positivity, and enlightenment. It suggests that you are in a period of growth and expansion, and that your efforts will be rewarded. Love: In matters of love, the Sun card represents joy and fulfillment. It may indicate a new relationship or the strengthening of an existing one. It suggests that you are in a period of happiness and emotional satisfaction. Family and Friends: The Sun card represents positivity and joy, suggesting that your relationships with family and friends are fulfilling and harmonious. It may indicate that you are in a period of happiness and contentment. The Unexpected: The Sun card represents success and positivity, suggesting that unexpected events may bring about good fortune and positive changes. It may indicate that you are in a period of growth and expansion, and that new opportunities are on the horizon. Changes: The Sun card represents success and positivity, suggesting that chan

XVI. The Tower

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Tower General: The Tower card represents sudden upheaval, chaos, and destruction. It suggests that you may experience a sudden and unexpected change that shakes the foundation of your life. It may also indicate the need to let go of old structures and beliefs that no longer serve you. Love: In matters of love, the Tower card suggests that a sudden and unexpected change may impact your relationship in a dramatic way. It may indicate the need to confront hidden issues or to let go of old patterns and beliefs that are no longer serving you. Family and Friends: The Tower card represents sudden upheaval and chaos and suggests that your relationships with family and friends may be impacted by unexpected changes. It may indicate the need to let go of old patterns and beliefs in order to create a new foundation for your relationships. The Unexpected: The Tower card represents sudden upheaval and chaos and suggests that unexpected events may shake the foundation

XV. The Devil

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Devil General: The Devil card represents temptation, materialism, and bondage. It suggests that you may be trapped by your desires or by societal pressures and expectations. It may also indicate a need to confront and overcome negative patterns or addictions. Love: In matters of love, the Devil card suggests that you may be experiencing an unhealthy or toxic relationship that is based on addiction or obsession. It may indicate the need to confront and overcome negative patterns or to break free from a situation that is not healthy for you. Family and Friends: The Devil card represents temptation and suggests that your relationships with family and friends may be impacted by negative patterns or addictions. It may indicate the need to confront and overcome these patterns or to break free from toxic situations. The Unexpected: The Devil card represents temptation and suggests that unexpected events may lead you down a path of negative patterns or addiction

XIV. Temperance

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Hibiscus General: The Temperance card represents balance, harmony, and moderation. It suggests that you may need to find a middle ground or compromise in order to achieve your goals. It may also indicate a need to approach things with patience, understanding, and a sense of calm. Love: In matters of love, the Temperance card suggests that a balanced approach may be needed in order to create harmony and a sense of calm in your relationship. It may indicate the need to find a middle ground or compromise, and to approach things with patience and understanding. Family and Friends: The Temperance card represents balance and harmony, and suggests that your relationships with family and friends may require a middle ground or compromise in order to maintain peace and stability. It may indicate the need to approach things with patience, understanding, and a sense of calm. The Unexpected: The Temperance card represents balance and suggests that unexpected events m

XIII. Death

EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - Death   General: The Death card represents endings, transformation, and change. It suggests that a significant change or transformation is likely to occur, and that you may need to let go of old patterns or beliefs in order to move forward. It may also indicate a need to embrace the inevitability of change and the impermanence of all things. Love: In matters of love, the Death card suggests that a significant transformation or change is likely to occur in your relationship. It may indicate the end of an old relationship pattern or the need to let go of outdated beliefs in order to move forward. It may also suggest a need to embrace the inevitability of change and to be open to new experiences. Family and Friends: The Death card represents endings and transformation, and suggests that your relationships with family and friends may be undergoing a significant change or shift. It may indicate the need to let go of old patterns or beliefs in order to move forward,

XII. The Hanged Man

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Hanged Man General: The Hanged Man represents surrender, sacrifice, and letting go of control. It suggests that you may be going through a period of waiting or transition, and that you may need to let go of your preconceived notions in order to gain a new perspective. It may also indicate a need for acceptance and patience. Love: In matters of love, the Hanged Man suggests that you may need to let go of your expectations and surrender control in order to gain a new perspective. It may indicate a need for patience and acceptance, and a willingness to wait for the right person or situation to come along. Family and Friends: The Hanged Man represents surrender and sacrifice and suggests that your relationships with family and friends may require a willingness to let go of control and gain a new perspective. It may indicate a need for acceptance and patience, and a willingness to wait for things to fall into place. The Unexpected: The Hanged Man represen

XI. Justice

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - Justice General: The Justice card represents balance, fairness, and truth. It suggests that you may be facing a decision or situation that requires careful consideration and a rational, objective approach. It may also indicate a need for accountability and taking responsibility for your actions. Love: In matters of love, the Justice card suggests that you may need to take a more objective and rational approach to your relationships. It may indicate a need for balance and fairness in your partnerships, and a need for taking responsibility for your actions and decisions. Family and Friends: The Justice card represents balance and fairness and suggests that your relationships with family and friends may require a rational, objective approach. It may indicate a need for accountability and taking responsibility for your actions and decisions. The Unexpected: The Justice card represents balance and fairness and suggests that unexpected events may require a meas

X. The Wheel of Fortune

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Wheel of Fortune General: The Wheel of Fortune represents cycles of change, destiny, and karma. It suggests that you may be experiencing a turning point in your life, and that the outcome may be influenced by fate or circumstances beyond your control. It also indicates that things may be moving in cycles or patterns, and that what goes up must come down. Love: In matters of love, the Wheel of Fortune suggests that your love life may be going through a period of change or upheaval. It may indicate that you need to let go of the past and embrace new opportunities in order to find happiness. Family and Friends: The Wheel of Fortune represents cycles of change and suggests that your relationships with family and friends may be going through a period of transformation. It may indicate that you need to let go of old patterns and embrace new opportunities in order to find harmony and balance. The Unexpected: The Wheel of Fortune represents cycles of change and

IX. The Hermit

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Hermit General: The Hermit represents introspection, solitude, and wisdom. He suggests that you may need to take some time alone to reflect on your life and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. He also indicates a need for seeking guidance from a wise mentor or advisor. Love: In matters of love, the Hermit suggests that you may need to take a step back and focus on your own needs before pursuing a relationship. He may indicate a need for introspection and self-reflection before seeking a partner or the return of a partner.  Family and Friends: The Hermit represents a wise mentor and suggests that you may be seeking guidance from someone with more life experience. He may indicate a need for taking a more introspective approach to your relationships and seeking advice from a trusted advisor. The Unexpected: The Hermit represents a need for solitude and reflection, and may indicate that unexpected changes or disruptions may cause you to withdraw and see

VIII. Strength

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - Strength General: The Strength card represents inner strength, courage, and patience. It can indicate the need to overcome obstacles and challenges through patience and self-control. Love: In a love reading, the Strength card suggests a compassionate, patient approach to love and relationships. It can also indicate the need for inner strength and courage to overcome relationship challenges. Family: The Strength in a family reading can suggest a need for patience and compassion in dealing with family challenges or conflicts. Friends: The Strength in a friends reading can indicate the need for patience and compassion in your friendships. This card can also suggest the need to overcome challenges in your social life through inner strength and courage. The unexpected: In a reading about the unexpected, the Strength card can indicate the need for patience and inner strength to overcome unexpected challenges or obstacles. Changes: The Strength in a reading about c

VII. The Chariot

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Chariot General: The Chariot represents victory, determination, and willpower. It can indicate the need to take control of your life and move forward with confidence. Love: In a love reading, the Chariot suggests a passionate and driven relationship. It can also indicate the need to take control of your love life and move forward with confidence. Family: The Chariot in a family reading can suggest a need for determination and willpower to overcome family challenges or achieve family goals. Friends: The Chariot in a friends reading can indicate a need for determination and willpower in your friendships. This card can also suggest a need to take control of your social life and move forward with confidence. The unexpected: In a reading about the unexpected, the Chariot can indicate the need to take control of unexpected situations and move forward with determination and willpower. Changes: The Chariot in a reading about changes can indicate the need to

VI. The Lovers

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Lovers General: The Lovers card represents love, partnership, and union. It can indicate a significant choice or decision that will impact your relationships and personal life. Love: In a love reading, the Lovers card suggests a deep, romantic connection between two individuals. It can also indicate a choice between two potential partners. Family: The Lovers in a family reading can indicate a close, loving family bond. This card can also suggest a need to make a difficult decision that may impact family dynamics. Friends: The Lovers in a friends reading can indicate a deep, meaningful friendship or a potential romantic connection between friends. This card can also suggest a need to make a choice or decision that may impact your friendships. The unexpected: In a reading about the unexpected, the Lovers can indicate a surprise romantic connection or a sudden choice that will impact your personal life. Changes: The Lovers in a reading about changes can ind

V. The Hierophant

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Hierophant General: The Hierophant represents tradition, structure, and spiritual guidance. It can indicate a need for conformity and adherence to established beliefs or practices. Love: In a love reading, the Hierophant suggests a traditional, committed relationship that may involve marriage or other formal commitments. It can also indicate a need for spiritual or religious compatibility in a relationship. Family: The Hierophant in a family reading represents a traditional, structured family dynamic. This card can indicate a need to respect and follow established family traditions and values. Friends: The Hierophant in a friends reading can suggest a group of friends who share similar beliefs or values. This card can also indicate a need for guidance and support from trusted friends. The unexpected: In a reading about the unexpected, the Hierophant can indicate a need for structure and guidance during a challenging or unexpected situation. It can also s

III. The Empress

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Empress General: The Empress is a card of abundance, nurturing, and creativity. It represents fertility, growth, and the power of Mother Nature. This card can also indicate a need to connect with your feminine side, whether you are male or female. Love: In a love reading, The Empress signifies a deep connection and a nurturing, supportive relationship. It can also indicate the desire to start a family or bring new life into the world. Family: In a family reading, The Empress represents a strong, loving mother figure. This card can indicate a need for nurturing and support within the family, as well as a desire to create a safe and secure home environment. Friends: The Empress in a friends reading can indicate a close, supportive group of friends who feel like family. This card can also suggest the need to nurture and care for your friendships in order to maintain these important relationships. The unexpected: The Empress in a reading about the unexpected

IV. The Emperor

  EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The Emperor General: The Emperor represents authority, structure, and stability. He suggests that you may need to take a more organized and disciplined approach to your life in order to achieve your goals. He also indicates a need for leadership and control. Love: In matters of love, the Emperor suggests that you may be seeking a relationship with someone who is strong, stable, and dependable. He may also indicate a need for establishing clear boundaries and taking a more structured approach to your relationship. Family and Friends: The Emperor represents a strong patriarchal figure and suggests that there may be a need for structure and discipline within your family or friend group. He may indicate that you need to take on a more leadership role or that you are seeking guidance from a strong authority figure. The Unexpected: The Emperor represents stability and structure, and may indicate that unexpected changes or disruptions may be difficult for you to ha

II. The High Priestess

EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The High Priestess General: The High Priestess represents intuition, mystery, and hidden knowledge. She suggests that you trust your instincts and pay attention to your dreams and inner voice. She may also indicate a need for solitude and self-reflection. Love: In matters of love, the High Priestess suggests that you may be keeping your true feelings hidden or that there is something mysterious or hidden about your relationship. She may also indicate a need to trust your instincts when it comes to matters of the heart. Family and Friends: The High Priestess suggests that there may be secrets or hidden information within your family or friend group. She may also indicate a need for deeper understanding and communication within these relationships. The Unexpected: The High Priestess represents the unknown and unseen. She may indicate that there are secrets or hidden factors at play in your current situation, and that you should trust your instincts and intuition