
Showing posts with the label tarot

0. The Fool

  EcoSoul Tarot - The Fool General: The Fool signifies new beginnings, embracing spontaneity and taking a leap of faith. It signals potential for growth, success, and a readiness for exciting journeys. Love: In matters of love, The Fool represents a fresh start, embracing love with spontaneity and openness. It signals the potential for new beginnings and a renewed sense of passion in existing relationships. Family and Friends: The Fool brings new energy and inspiration to relationships with family and friends. It suggests the potential for growth, connection, and unexpected opportunities for bonding and creativity. The Unexpected: The Fool embodies the unexpected arrival of inspiration and new beginnings. It suggests being open to surprises, sparking passion, and embracing creative opportunities that may come unexpectedly. Changes: The Fool heralds the start of a new phase, advocating for taking risks, being bold, and embracing opportunities for personal growth and success. Finances: T

Career in the Next 24-48 hours

  Today, I'll take a look at your career in the next 24-48 hours. The Queen of Cups is a card that represents emotional intelligence, intuition, and nurturing. In a career reading, the appearance of this card suggests that you should trust your intuition and listen to your feelings when making important decisions at work. You may also find that your ability to empathize with others and create a supportive environment is highly valued by your colleagues and superiors. The Ten of Cups is a card that represents emotional fulfillment, happiness, and contentment. In a career reading, the appearance of this card suggests that you are likely to experience a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in your current job or career path. You may feel like you are part of a supportive and harmonious team, and your work may bring a sense of purpose and joy to your life. Together, the Queen of Cups and Ten of Cups suggest that your emotional intelligence, intuition, and ability to nurture others are

II. The High Priestess

EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - The High Priestess General: The High Priestess represents intuition, mystery, and hidden knowledge. She suggests that you trust your instincts and pay attention to your dreams and inner voice. She may also indicate a need for solitude and self-reflection. Love: In matters of love, the High Priestess suggests that you may be keeping your true feelings hidden or that there is something mysterious or hidden about your relationship. She may also indicate a need to trust your instincts when it comes to matters of the heart. Family and Friends: The High Priestess suggests that there may be secrets or hidden information within your family or friend group. She may also indicate a need for deeper understanding and communication within these relationships. The Unexpected: The High Priestess represents the unknown and unseen. She may indicate that there are secrets or hidden factors at play in your current situation, and that you should trust your instincts and intuition

Calling a Truce

Tarot calls your attention to your relationships whether familial, friendly or romantic. The focus is your interaction with loved ones. In a tarot reading, the Temperance card represents balance, harmony, and moderation. It suggests that you may need to bring more balance and harmony into your relationships, especially in the areas of love and friendship. When clarified by the Ace of Swords, which represents clarity, truth, and mental clarity, it could suggest that you need to be clear and honest with yourself and others about your needs and boundaries in your relationships. It could also suggest that you need to use your intellect and analytical abilities to bring balance and harmony into your relationships. Overall, this combination of cards suggests that by being clear and honest with yourself and others, and by maintaining a balanced and moderate approach to your relationships, you can achieve greater harmony and fulfillment in your love and friendships. Specifically:  After suffer

A Prediction for Whoever Needs It

 Today, the Two of Swords  represents a decision or a stalemate, likely a court case or interference of government bureaucracy. It suggests that you may be facing a difficult choice or feeling stuck between two options. The blindfolded woman in the card, much like Justice,  indicates that you may be struggling to see the situation clearly, and the crossed swords suggest that the decision may involve conflicting values or interests.  Since this is a general reading, Two of Swords, mundanely, could indicate that you are facing a decision or a situation that you did not anticipate and that requires careful consideration. The Knight of Pentacles typically represents a hard-working, reliable, and cautious person who is focused on practical matters and long-term goals. This card suggests that you may need to be patient and diligent in pursuing your goals, and that you may be making steady progress even if it feels slow or tedious. In the context of an unexpected event, the Knight of Pentacl

Prediction for March 18, 2023

 Today, your focus is on memories and reminiscing about the past or concerns about the past. Since this is a general reading, many interpretations apply.  The Nine of Swords typically represents anxiety, fear, and worry, and can suggest that an unexpected event has caused emotional distress. This card may also suggest that you are struggling with your own thoughts and fears, and may be experiencing nightmares or sleepless nights. The Six of Cups is often associated with nostalgia, memories, and childhood. It can suggest a pleasant unexpected surprise or a return to an old connection or relationship from your past. This card may also suggest that you are feeling a sense of happiness and contentment, or that you are revisiting a past situation in order to gain closure or understanding. Together, these cards could indicate that you are unexpectedly confronted with a past trauma or fear that is causing you distress and anxiety, but that you are also unexpectedly reconnecting with a positiv

Prediction for March 17, 2023

 Today's Prediction  The Tower and the Ten of Pentacles present a sudden and unexpected upheaval or change in the realm of family, projects and/or  material and financial stability. These changes may shock you and leave you feeling a little shaky and anxious in a good or not so good way.  The Tower is often associated with sudden change, upheaval, and destruction. It can signify a sudden shift in circumstances or a situation that forces you to re-evaluate your beliefs or attitudes. Meanwhile, the Ten of Pentacles typically represents financial stability, abundance, and a sense of security. It can indicate a successful completion of a long-term project or investment. Together, the cards suggests that a sudden and unexpected event could potentially disrupt the material security and stability that you have built up over time. This may be a challenging and unsettling experience, but it can also present an opportunity for growth and transformation. It could mean that you need to re-eval

From Grasshopper to Master


It's Over: Three (3) Signs That Will Let You Know When to Move On From Your Intention

   Your intention is the goal or dream you want to bring into existence.  Many people set their sights on a goal and never want to let go.  They hang on for dear life.  They may waste their talents, time and energy on something that will never come to pass. Not everything you try to manifest will come to pass. That's not pessimism, just a harsh reality.   I'll give you two explanations. The esoteric:  your intention or goal or dream won't manifest because it's not meant for you. The mundane: you give up too soon or are disheartened by obstacles.   But honestly, I feel closer to the esoteric explanation which touts: what's truly meant for you will never pass you by, even when you give up.   So what are three ways you can  truly recognize that your intention will manifest?  I asked my tarot and oracle cards to explain. This is what they told me:   Number 1 Interpretation of Invisible and The Two of Wands- not seeing what you are supposed to easily see from your work o

Walk the Path: Steps to Actually Manifesting Your Desires into Reality

If you are new to the art of manifesting what you want, let me be clear. You have to follow a few rules. Yes, of course you do.   Unfortunately, everything in existence is bound by rules.   But that's ok.  I'm going to give you the rules that my tarot/oracle cards gave me.  That's what this blog is about, examining and combining tarot and manifestation.   These are the general steps and rules for manifesting according to my oracle deck: I've attached a picture of the cards I received below for your viewing pleasure.  1. Psychic    The eye is all about vision and clear focus - very easy to understand. Set an intention:    Focus on it. Dream and imagine it, then be very "clear."  Clearly   define it .  As an educator, I was always taught to begin with the end in mind when I was planning.  At the end of my lesson, what did I want my students to learn.   For example, I used a goal that was Specific, Measureable ,  Attainable ,  Relevant and Timely   (SMART).  Th

A Comment on Manifesting

  The first thing I heard when I began to write this post was that manifestation is a gift. For those who can reconnect to even a spark of passion, intuition and creativity, it is truly a blessing.  In simple terms, manifestation is the ability to turn your desires into reality.  In the most mundane sense: being able to conceive a goal and work at that goal until it shows up in the real  In the esoteric sense: it's magically bringing something into your reality by perception or by using all the senses.  But mainly by just thinking about something long enough and oft to make it occur. Is this really possible?  Can someone just think of something and poof! It happens? That's why I began this journey. I have already magically manifested little things into my reality simply by speaking about them.  Things have even happened by me thinking about them.  What  I noticed  was the most consistent, however, was that I had to be experiencing real emotions for something to manifest.  For e

Our World's Creation as Explained by My Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

Consulting a deck of tarot cards can be fun and interesting. I like to consult tarot for self-improvement, reflection and  about the things that tend to confound us or that we have issues finding/getting real answers for. Keep reading to see how my deck of tarot cards (RWS) explained creation through symbology. Creation is cyclic. (Western Version) 0/22 The Fool - God, and Man merged; The Ending and the Beginning; Birth 21. The World - Eternity; Time-Time Passing 20. Judgment - God's law; God's final determination as it applies to his creations-including spiritual servants 19. Sun - Creation of the suns 18. The Moon - Creation of the moons 17. The Star - Creation of stars 16. The Tower - Heaven, a pantheon and the attempted mutiny/coup of heaven; In the bible-the fall of Lucifer and his angels. 15. Devil - Sin/Evil/Temptation/Corruption 14. Temperance - Beginning creation of things; The laws, ingredients, and ideas for the conception of man, beings & universes; Science and