
Showing posts with the label predictions

Calling a Truce

Tarot calls your attention to your relationships whether familial, friendly or romantic. The focus is your interaction with loved ones. In a tarot reading, the Temperance card represents balance, harmony, and moderation. It suggests that you may need to bring more balance and harmony into your relationships, especially in the areas of love and friendship. When clarified by the Ace of Swords, which represents clarity, truth, and mental clarity, it could suggest that you need to be clear and honest with yourself and others about your needs and boundaries in your relationships. It could also suggest that you need to use your intellect and analytical abilities to bring balance and harmony into your relationships. Overall, this combination of cards suggests that by being clear and honest with yourself and others, and by maintaining a balanced and moderate approach to your relationships, you can achieve greater harmony and fulfillment in your love and friendships. Specifically:  After suffer

What is being Revealed to You?

 Something is being revealed to you today that will cause a great  transformation within your life.  The Devil card in a tarot reading often represents negative patterns or addictions that are holding you back. It could indicate that you are feeling trapped or controlled by a particular person, situation, or habit. The Devil card can also represent the need to confront and overcome these negative patterns to move forward. The Tower card is often seen as a card of upheaval and change, indicating that something significant and unexpected will happen. It can represent a sudden realization or awakening, a significant event, or a dramatic change in the your life. While the change may be challenging and uncomfortable, it ultimately allows for growth and transformation. Taken together, the Devil and the Tower cards in a tarot reading could suggest that something negative or limiting in your life will be revealed, potentially through a sudden and transformative event. This could be an opportu

A Prediction for Whoever Needs It

 Today, the Two of Swords  represents a decision or a stalemate, likely a court case or interference of government bureaucracy. It suggests that you may be facing a difficult choice or feeling stuck between two options. The blindfolded woman in the card, much like Justice,  indicates that you may be struggling to see the situation clearly, and the crossed swords suggest that the decision may involve conflicting values or interests.  Since this is a general reading, Two of Swords, mundanely, could indicate that you are facing a decision or a situation that you did not anticipate and that requires careful consideration. The Knight of Pentacles typically represents a hard-working, reliable, and cautious person who is focused on practical matters and long-term goals. This card suggests that you may need to be patient and diligent in pursuing your goals, and that you may be making steady progress even if it feels slow or tedious. In the context of an unexpected event, the Knight of Pentacl

Prediction for Whoever Needs It

The Eight of Wands and the Two of Pentacles indicate  unexpected events happening. Please keep in mind that this is a general reading and collective energies are considered. The Eight of Wands typically represents sudden movement or action, indicating that unexpected events may happen quickly and with great momentum. This card indicates unexpected travel, communication, or a surge of energy that brings about changes in a situation. The Two of Pentacles, on the other hand, is associated with adaptability and balance. It suggests that unexpected events may require you to be flexible and adaptable in order to maintain balance and manage any potential challenges that may arise. Together, these cards may indicate unexpected changes or opportunities that require quick thinking and adaptability in order to successfully navigate.  After considering a number of options you or someone around you decides to change directions.  Specifically, you hear or send a message related to the following: You

Prediction for March 18, 2023

 Today, your focus is on memories and reminiscing about the past or concerns about the past. Since this is a general reading, many interpretations apply.  The Nine of Swords typically represents anxiety, fear, and worry, and can suggest that an unexpected event has caused emotional distress. This card may also suggest that you are struggling with your own thoughts and fears, and may be experiencing nightmares or sleepless nights. The Six of Cups is often associated with nostalgia, memories, and childhood. It can suggest a pleasant unexpected surprise or a return to an old connection or relationship from your past. This card may also suggest that you are feeling a sense of happiness and contentment, or that you are revisiting a past situation in order to gain closure or understanding. Together, these cards could indicate that you are unexpectedly confronted with a past trauma or fear that is causing you distress and anxiety, but that you are also unexpectedly reconnecting with a positiv

Prediction for March 17, 2023

 Today's Prediction  The Tower and the Ten of Pentacles present a sudden and unexpected upheaval or change in the realm of family, projects and/or  material and financial stability. These changes may shock you and leave you feeling a little shaky and anxious in a good or not so good way.  The Tower is often associated with sudden change, upheaval, and destruction. It can signify a sudden shift in circumstances or a situation that forces you to re-evaluate your beliefs or attitudes. Meanwhile, the Ten of Pentacles typically represents financial stability, abundance, and a sense of security. It can indicate a successful completion of a long-term project or investment. Together, the cards suggests that a sudden and unexpected event could potentially disrupt the material security and stability that you have built up over time. This may be a challenging and unsettling experience, but it can also present an opportunity for growth and transformation. It could mean that you need to re-eval