If you are new to the art of manifesting what you want, let me be clear. You have to follow a few rules. Yes, of course you do. Unfortunately, everything in existence is bound by rules. But that's ok. I'm going to give you the rules that my tarot/oracle cards gave me. That's what this blog is about, examining and combining tarot and manifestation. These are the general steps and rules for manifesting according to my oracle deck: I've attached a picture of the cards I received below for your viewing pleasure. 1. Psychic The eye is all about vision and clear focus - very easy to understand. Set an intention: Focus on it. Dream and imagine it, then be very "clear." Clearly define it . As an educator, I was always taught to begin with the end in mind when I was planning. At the end of my lesson, what did I want my students to learn. For example, I used a goal that was Specific, Measureable , Attainable , Relevant and Timely (SMART). Th