
Showing posts with the label connection

Nope Not Today: Twin Flame Relationships are Simply B.S.

Before you accuse me of being negative, just continue reading. My reasons for not accepting Twin Flame Relat ionships as legit are simple: 1. When most people say Twin Flames, they mean finding "the one" true romantic soulmate that was created especially for them. This is someone most people see as their reflection or mirror - a harmonious counterpart. 2. What once was relegated to the understanding of a few "New Age" folk, has now become mainstream and trendy--like conspiracy theories. People are just creating a foolish, romanticized and highly idealized relationship with expectations that are out of reach. Life isn't a Hollywood movie. 3. A perfect relationship, or at least one that's perfect for you, should be harmonious and not wrought with conflict, evasiveness and separation. I mean, who wants this? Most people claim that Twin Flame relationships always include a separation.   NOPE!  Karmic relationships include a separation. Some soul contracts inclu

Our World's Creation as Explained by My Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

Consulting a deck of tarot cards can be fun and interesting. I like to consult tarot for self-improvement, reflection and  about the things that tend to confound us or that we have issues finding/getting real answers for. Keep reading to see how my deck of tarot cards (RWS) explained creation through symbology. Creation is cyclic. (Western Version) 0/22 The Fool - God, and Man merged; The Ending and the Beginning; Birth 21. The World - Eternity; Time-Time Passing 20. Judgment - God's law; God's final determination as it applies to his creations-including spiritual servants 19. Sun - Creation of the suns 18. The Moon - Creation of the moons 17. The Star - Creation of stars 16. The Tower - Heaven, a pantheon and the attempted mutiny/coup of heaven; In the bible-the fall of Lucifer and his angels. 15. Devil - Sin/Evil/Temptation/Corruption 14. Temperance - Beginning creation of things; The laws, ingredients, and ideas for the conception of man, beings & universes; Science and