
Showing posts with the label astrology

Career in the Next 24-48 hours

  Today, I'll take a look at your career in the next 24-48 hours. The Queen of Cups is a card that represents emotional intelligence, intuition, and nurturing. In a career reading, the appearance of this card suggests that you should trust your intuition and listen to your feelings when making important decisions at work. You may also find that your ability to empathize with others and create a supportive environment is highly valued by your colleagues and superiors. The Ten of Cups is a card that represents emotional fulfillment, happiness, and contentment. In a career reading, the appearance of this card suggests that you are likely to experience a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in your current job or career path. You may feel like you are part of a supportive and harmonious team, and your work may bring a sense of purpose and joy to your life. Together, the Queen of Cups and Ten of Cups suggest that your emotional intelligence, intuition, and ability to nurture others are

Good Fortune is On the Way!

 Good Fortune Coming Your Way The World card is associated with completion, wholeness, and a sense of achievement. It suggests that you are at a point of completion or closure in your life, having achieved a significant goal or milestone. This card represents a sense of satisfaction and contentment, as well as a feeling of being in harmony with the universe. The High Priestess, on the other hand, is associated with intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual awareness. This card suggests that you have access to deep inner wisdom and guidance, and that you are able to tap into your intuition to make wise decisions and navigate complex situations. Together, the World and the High Priestess suggest that you are on the path to achieving great things, and that you have the intuitive guidance and spiritual support you need to make wise decisions and overcome any obstacles that come your way. This combination of cards can represent a time of deep fulfillment, spiritual growth, and inner peace

What is being Revealed to You?

 Something is being revealed to you today that will cause a great  transformation within your life.  The Devil card in a tarot reading often represents negative patterns or addictions that are holding you back. It could indicate that you are feeling trapped or controlled by a particular person, situation, or habit. The Devil card can also represent the need to confront and overcome these negative patterns to move forward. The Tower card is often seen as a card of upheaval and change, indicating that something significant and unexpected will happen. It can represent a sudden realization or awakening, a significant event, or a dramatic change in the your life. While the change may be challenging and uncomfortable, it ultimately allows for growth and transformation. Taken together, the Devil and the Tower cards in a tarot reading could suggest that something negative or limiting in your life will be revealed, potentially through a sudden and transformative event. This could be an opportu

A Prediction

 What are you protecting or guarding today?  The Seven of Wands typically represents a situation where you are facing competition or opposition. You may be feeling defensive, as if you are constantly fighting to protect what you have earned.  The Four of Wands, on the other hand, is associated with celebration, happiness, and stability. It often signifies a time of joy and harmony within a community. When these two cards appear together in a tarot reading, it can indicate that unexpected events may arise that challenge your position of stability and security. The Seven of Wands suggests that you may need to fight to defend your position, while the Four of Wands indicates that the support of your community or loved ones may be vital to your success. Overall, this combination suggests that there may be some unexpected challenges ahead, but if you remain determined and rely on the support of those around you, you can overcome them and celebrate your success. Specifically: You are defendin

A Prediction for Whoever Needs It

 Good afternoon. The Ten of Wands indicate feeling overwhelmed, burdened, and overworked. It can indicate a situation where you are taking on too much responsibility or dealing with a heavy load of work or obligations. The clarifying card, the Hermit, suggests that this burden is causing you to withdraw or feel isolated, seeking solitude and introspection. Because these cards appear together, it  suggests  events that cause you to feel overloaded and isolated. You may find yourself suddenly faced with a large workload or a significant responsibility that you were not prepared for. Alternatively, you may be forced to confront a challenging situation alone, without the support or help that you were counting on. This combination of cards can also suggest that the events may cause you to question your priorities and seek a new direction in your life. You may need to take a step back and reassess your goals and ambitions, considering whether you are taking on too much and need to make cha

Prediction for Whoever Needs It

The Eight of Wands and the Two of Pentacles indicate  unexpected events happening. Please keep in mind that this is a general reading and collective energies are considered. The Eight of Wands typically represents sudden movement or action, indicating that unexpected events may happen quickly and with great momentum. This card indicates unexpected travel, communication, or a surge of energy that brings about changes in a situation. The Two of Pentacles, on the other hand, is associated with adaptability and balance. It suggests that unexpected events may require you to be flexible and adaptable in order to maintain balance and manage any potential challenges that may arise. Together, these cards may indicate unexpected changes or opportunities that require quick thinking and adaptability in order to successfully navigate.  After considering a number of options you or someone around you decides to change directions.  Specifically, you hear or send a message related to the following: You

Using Scripting to Manifest

One of the most popular techniques used to manifest intentions is scripting.  Scripting is simply wiriting down your intentions, repeatedly. You can  choose to write down your intentions once a day or at  the same time daily in a dedicated notebook or journal. What's important is that when you write your intention down,  you do it at least three times for each session.  In Vedic astrology, their is a belief  that when choosing a person chooses a new name for a name change, that in order to change the years of energy stored in a person's old name, one should  sign his or her new name a specific amount of times per day using a certain colored ink. When trying to manifest your intention, scripting with a certain colored ink pen or pencil or on a specific colored pad could also be useful. Choose a color that you feel attracted to  based on the intention you are setting. When writing down your intention, be sure to first set the intention for exactly what you want in your mind, and

It's Over: Three (3) Signs That Will Let You Know When to Move On From Your Intention

   Your intention is the goal or dream you want to bring into existence.  Many people set their sights on a goal and never want to let go.  They hang on for dear life.  They may waste their talents, time and energy on something that will never come to pass. Not everything you try to manifest will come to pass. That's not pessimism, just a harsh reality.   I'll give you two explanations. The esoteric:  your intention or goal or dream won't manifest because it's not meant for you. The mundane: you give up too soon or are disheartened by obstacles.   But honestly, I feel closer to the esoteric explanation which touts: what's truly meant for you will never pass you by, even when you give up.   So what are three ways you can  truly recognize that your intention will manifest?  I asked my tarot and oracle cards to explain. This is what they told me:   Number 1 Interpretation of Invisible and The Two of Wands- not seeing what you are supposed to easily see from your work o

Nope Not Today: Twin Flame Relationships are Simply B.S.

Before you accuse me of being negative, just continue reading. My reasons for not accepting Twin Flame Relat ionships as legit are simple: 1. When most people say Twin Flames, they mean finding "the one" true romantic soulmate that was created especially for them. This is someone most people see as their reflection or mirror - a harmonious counterpart. 2. What once was relegated to the understanding of a few "New Age" folk, has now become mainstream and trendy--like conspiracy theories. People are just creating a foolish, romanticized and highly idealized relationship with expectations that are out of reach. Life isn't a Hollywood movie. 3. A perfect relationship, or at least one that's perfect for you, should be harmonious and not wrought with conflict, evasiveness and separation. I mean, who wants this? Most people claim that Twin Flame relationships always include a separation.   NOPE!  Karmic relationships include a separation. Some soul contracts inclu