
Showing posts with the label March 28

Tarot Prediction| What is Hidden from You?

Good Afternoon, The cards want to reveal something that is hidden from you today. In this regard, the World card represents a sense of completion, fulfillment, and harmony. When this card is clarified by Temperance, with a generic interpretation, it suggests that what is being hidden from you is a need for balance and moderation in your life.  Temperance is a card that represents the need for patience, self-control, and harmony in your actions and thoughts. It is also a card that represents healing and finding a middle ground. So, when the World card is clarified by Temperance, it suggests that you need to find balance and moderation in your life to achieve the sense of completion and fulfillment that the World card represents.  The message of this tarot reading is that there may be something that you are currently lacking in terms of balance and moderation in your life, and that this is preventing you from achieving the level of success and fulfillment that you desire. You may need to