Welcome to Lesson 7 of Tarot Rockstar: Tarot is Easy Discover the secrets of timing in tarot readings! We'll be exploring the art of using the cards to determine when events may happen, from weeks to months to years. With this easy-to-follow instructions, you'll learn how to use the Major and Minor Arcana to provide accurate timing information for your clients or yourself. No matter what level of tarot reading experience you have, TAROT ROCKSTAR is here to help you crack the code of timing in tarot. So, tune in and get ready to enhance your tarot readings like never before!

In this session, we dive deep into the intricacies of timing within the Tarot, exploring how specific cards relate to seasons and time frames. Whether you're a novice or seasoned reader, understanding these nuances can elevate your Tarot readings to new heights.

Court Arcana Cards and Their Role in Timing

The Court Arcana cards, comprising Pages, Queens, Kings, and Knights, hold clues to timing and seasons. Each card not only embodies certain traits and personalities but also signifies specific periods during the year. Let's unravel their mysteries:

Pages: Messengers and Seasons

  • Page of Swords: Represents Sagittarius (November to December). Known for curiosity, impulsiveness, and intelligence.
  • Page of Wands: Associated with Sagittarius, embodies exploration, enthusiasm, and creativity.
  • Page of Cups: Aligned with Pisces (February to March), symbolizing sensitivity, intuition, and emotional depth.
  • Page of Pentacles: Tied to Capricorn (December to January), signifies practicality, diligence, and meticulousness.

Queens: Mastery and Time Frames

  • Queen of Cups: Reflects Scorpio (October to November) or Cancer (June to July). Embraces nurturing, intuition, and emotional depth.
  • Queen of Wands: Fire sign or Leo (July to August), embodies passion, creativity, and independence.
  • Queen of Pentacles: Associated with Aquarius (January to February), signifies resourcefulness, stability, and practicality.
  • Queen of Swords: Linked to Virgo (August to September), embodies intellect, clarity, and communication.

Kings: Authority and Specific Periods

  • King of Wands: Fire sign or Leo, symbolizes leadership, charisma, and ambition.
  • King of Swords: Aligned with Libra (September to October), embodies logic, fairness, and decisiveness.
  • King of Pentacles: Tied to Taurus (April to May) or Gemini (May to June), signifies wealth, stability, and generosity.
  • King of Cups: Reflects Cancer (June to July) or Scorpio (October to November), embodies emotional maturity, compassion, and intuition.

Aces: New Beginnings and Seasons

The Aces herald new beginnings and are also tied to specific seasons:

  • Ace of Wands: Symbolizes spring (March 20 to June 19), representing growth, inspiration, and new opportunities.
  • Ace of Cups: Reflects summer (June 20 to September 21), embodies emotional fulfillment, love, and relationships.
  • Ace of Pentacles: Associated with autumn (September 22 to December 19), signifies prosperity, stability, and material gain.
  • Ace of Swords: Represents winter (December 20 to March 19), embodies clarity, truth, and intellectual breakthroughs.

Knights: Agents of Change

The Knights bring messages of change and action, though their timing is more fluid:

  • Knight of Wands: Brings swift change and opportunities, often related to career or passionate pursuits.
  • Knight of Cups: Symbolizes emotional growth and relationships, offering messages of love and romance.
  • Knight of Pentacles: Reflects steady progress and material growth, emphasizing patience and diligence.
  • Knight of Swords: Represents quick thinking, communication, and potential challenges ahead.

Mastering the art of timing in Tarot involves understanding how each card resonates with specific periods and seasons. Whether you're using the Tarot for personal insight or professional readings, integrating these insights can enrich your interpretations and provide deeper context for your querents.

Remember, Tarot is not just about divination; it's a journey of self-discovery and understanding the cycles of life. Stay tuned for more insights and practical tips on how to elevate your Tarot practice in Tarot Rockstar: Tarot is Easy.

Crack the code of timing in Tarot and unlock profound insights into the mysteries of life. Embrace the journey of discovery and transformation with Tarot Rockstar.

Stay tuned for Lesson 8 Clarifying Tarot Cards

This video includes the court arcana cards which I tend to use for timing. I hope you enjoy it! FYI: My day job is teaching. If you feel my style is too typical, I apologize.


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