Seven of Wands


EcoSoul Botanical Tarot - Seven of Wands

General: The Seven of Wands signifies a period of standing firm and defending your position. After the initial spark of inspiration (Ace of Wands), you find yourself in a situation where you need to assert yourself and protect your goals and achievements. This card suggests that challenges or opposition may arise, and you are ready to take a stand, demonstrating your resilience and determination.

Love: In matters of love, the Seven of Wands indicates a passionate and assertive approach to your romantic goals. It may represent the start of a new phase where you need to defend or assert your desires in the relationship. This card suggests that you are ready to take action to ensure your romantic needs are met and to protect the love you've cultivated.

Family and Friends: Within the realm of family and friends, the Seven of Wands suggests that you may encounter challenges or conflicts in your relationships. It's a time to assert your boundaries and defend the connections that matter to you. New opportunities for growth and understanding may arise through asserting your position in a constructive way.

The Unexpected: In unexpected situations, the Seven of Wands represents the unexpected need to stand your ground. You may be surprised by a situation that requires you to defend your beliefs or goals. This card encourages you to face the unexpected with courage and a firm resolve to protect your interests.

Changes: Regarding changes, the Seven of Wands suggests that the new phase introduced by the Ace of Wands may come with challenges or opposition. It's essential to be bold and assertive as you navigate these changes, standing up for your goals and defending your position against any obstacles that may arise.

Finances: In financial matters, the Seven of Wands warns of potential challenges or competition in your financial pursuits. It suggests that you may need to assert yourself and defend your financial interests. This card encourages you to be vigilant and strategic in protecting your wealth and abundance.

Career: In your career, the Seven of Wands signifies a period where you may face professional challenges or competition. It's crucial to stand your ground and defend your position in the professional sphere. This card supports the idea of making strategic choices and being bold in navigating professional obstacles.

Outcome: As an outcome card, the Seven of Wands indicates that the path ahead may involve challenges and the need to assert yourself. It suggests that, despite potential opposition, you have the fire and determination (Element: Fire) to overcome obstacles and achieve your desired outcome.

Element: Fire

Zodiac Aspect: Mars in Leo


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