Important Event in the next 24 Hours

 The Six of Wands typically represents victory, success, recognition, and public acclaim. It signifies that you have achieved a significant milestone or have accomplished a goal that is well-recognized and respected by others. This card is associated with leadership, confidence, and a sense of achievement and accomplishment.

The Ten of Wands, on the other hand, signifies a burden, overwhelm, and feeling weighed down. It suggests that you may be taking on too much responsibility or working too hard, leading to exhaustion and burnout.

Clarified by the Ten of Wands, the Six of Wands suggests that while you may have achieved success and recognition in your endeavors, it may have come at a cost. You may be carrying a heavy workload or feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, causing stress and exhaustion. 

You may also be having trouble with a mode of transportation that's left you feeling burdened, and a crucial decision needs to be made about your career or where you reside.

It's essential to recognize that success shouldn't come at the cost of your mental or physical health. It may be time to delegate some tasks or take a break to avoid burnout and maintain balance in your life.

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