Good Fortune is On the Way!

 Good Fortune Coming Your Way

The World card is associated with completion, wholeness, and a sense of achievement. It suggests that you are at a point of completion or closure in your life, having achieved a significant goal or milestone. This card represents a sense of satisfaction and contentment, as well as a feeling of being in harmony with the universe.

The High Priestess, on the other hand, is associated with intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual awareness. This card suggests that you have access to deep inner wisdom and guidance, and that you are able to tap into your intuition to make wise decisions and navigate complex situations.

Together, the World and the High Priestess suggest that you are on the path to achieving great things, and that you have the intuitive guidance and spiritual support you need to make wise decisions and overcome any obstacles that come your way. This combination of cards can represent a time of deep fulfillment, spiritual growth, and inner peace, as well as a sense of accomplishment and success in your external endeavors.

Specifically,   congratulations! You have an unexpected trip related to work and all your business and financial transactions receive the Midas Touch.

Since you are or will be lucky with finances, I couldn't help but pull a money message for you from the Notes from the Universe Oracle Deck. Congrats, again!


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