The Next 24 Hours

What's coming up for you in the next 24 hours?

The Three of Wands is a card that indicates expansion, progress, and partnership. It represents a time of growth, where you are taking the necessary steps to achieve your goals. This card can also indicate the need to collaborate with others to achieve success.

The Justice card represents balance, fairness, and truth. It suggests that a situation or decision may be weighed and evaluated with objectivity and impartiality. This card can also indicate the need to take responsibility for your actions and the consequences that come with them.

Together, these cards suggest that you may experience unexpected growth or progress in a situation that may require you to collaborate with others. It may also indicate that a decision or situation may be resolved in a just and fair manner, where truth and objectivity will prevail.

Overall, this tarot reading suggests that unexpected opportunities may arise, and the best way to approach them is with a sense of balance, fairness, and collaboration. Trust that things will work out in the end, and focus on taking the necessary steps to move forward.


You are waiting for a response or decision to be made regarding your work or business.

You receive money for some service you provide related to conjuring, spirituality, legal,  teaching or assisting others to change their path physically or mentally. 

You receive a contract for a service or employment.

You think or make the decision to embark on a new opportunity or business.

You get extremely close to reaching a goal.


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