A Prediction for Whoever Needs It

 Good afternoon. The Ten of Wands indicate feeling overwhelmed, burdened, and overworked. It can indicate a situation where you are taking on too much responsibility or dealing with a heavy load of work or obligations. The clarifying card, the Hermit, suggests that this burden is causing you to withdraw or feel isolated, seeking solitude and introspection.

Because these cards appear together, it  suggests  events that cause you to feel overloaded and isolated. You may find yourself suddenly faced with a large workload or a significant responsibility that you were not prepared for. Alternatively, you may be forced to confront a challenging situation alone, without the support or help that you were counting on.

This combination of cards can also suggest that the events may cause you to question your priorities and seek a new direction in your life. You may need to take a step back and reassess your goals and ambitions, considering whether you are taking on too much and need to make changes to achieve a better  balance.

Today you are feeling  evasive. Hiding from the world to relax, sleep, heal meditate and recover.

You  take time out to study or prepare for a difficult test.
You write about relaxation, meditation or healing
Search for employment.
Search for a place to live.
You discover someone is searching for you , or you
wonder about or search for someone you feel is being evasive.


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