A Prediction

 What are you protecting or guarding today? 

The Seven of Wands typically represents a situation where you are facing competition or opposition. You may be feeling defensive, as if you are constantly fighting to protect what you have earned. 

The Four of Wands, on the other hand, is associated with celebration, happiness, and stability. It often signifies a time of joy and harmony within a community.

When these two cards appear together in a tarot reading, it can indicate that unexpected events may arise that challenge your position of stability and security. The Seven of Wands suggests that you may need to fight to defend your position, while the Four of Wands indicates that the support of your community or loved ones may be vital to your success.

Overall, this combination suggests that there may be some unexpected challenges ahead, but if you remain determined and rely on the support of those around you, you can overcome them and celebrate your success.


You are defending/guarding your home or other environment.

You are guarding  yourself or your heart against vulnerability.

You fight to protect your position in your community or workspace.

An old friend or relative wants to visit, but you feel guarded against them as you may fear criticism of yourself, lifestyle, or your residence.

You receive support from your community or loved ones to protect or save your home and stability.


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