Part I. On Your Mark. Set your Intention. Go! Which astrological transit will bring your manifestation to life?

What's the Point?

Good E'en my gentle-manifesters, 

Honestly, I'm not sure if this a predictive or an explanatory article.  Not sure, but we will figure it out as we go along.  The whole idea behind this writing is to let you know which astrological transit should you utilize  to bring what you are trying to manifest into being.  What is the best time to do manifestation work for your zodiac sign? What I mean by that is: the best time to  set your intentions, script, pray,  visualize, etc... so that your desires actually actualize in your physical reality. 

I noticed that astrology can facilitate your manifestation and bring it life.  My guides or higher self, depending on which you believe in - pointed this out to me.  Certain times, or transits can speed your manifestation or even...get ready for it....MAKE IT HAPPEN! 

 I was like....Whaaaaa? 

No, I'm lying. I wasn't that surprised, but it made sense to me.  Astrologers can tell you the perfect time to get married, have a child, buy a home, a car and even who to marry. It stands to reason that astrology can provide you with the perfect time to manifest your desire, as well.

But here's the rub: since transits are the ongoing movements of the planet and the stars,  transits change.  So, there is a BEST time to do something astrologically. I am by no means an astrologer, but I do know how to use tarot, and I can combine tarot with astrology to get the information I need. 

My Tools

I am using the Mandala Astrological Tarot by A. T. Mann to accomplish this.  The deck is out of print, but you can still find copies of the guidebook and the cards here or there -  for a price.  I bought these many years ago, so I can't recommend any vendor.  But, there are many decks since this one was printed that have the same great feature of attaching the astrological signs and/or transits to the cards.

Corrine Kenner's book Tarot and Astrology also offers great explanations.

How this Works

Since I am combining tarot and astrology, I had to ask a question of the deck.  The question I asked was:
What transit will support (insert zodiac sign here)'s desire/manifestation and bring it into their reality?

The idea here is that you:
  1.  look at the zodiac sign, 
  2. get the transit/s,
  3.  consult an ephemeris. 
  4. Then, commence manifesting  with whatever technique you choose to use.
***You may not need to consult an ephemeris if your date is straightforward. Say, for example: Leo (July 23-Aug 22) season. ***
  1. Ephemeris

How to Create an Ephemeris

 Super easy! You can create a personal ephemeris using once you sign up for an account.  Astro is  the best astrology sites on the internet, (in my opinion) and features some of the most well-respected and world-renowned astrologers. Go to "Free Horoscopes," "Horoscope Drawing and Data," then "Extended Chart Selection."

   Or, you can ask Google.  Once you know the transit, you can find out which date the transit will happen for your sign.  That is the time you should try to bring that intention or the thing you desire to life aka (manifesting). Keep in mind the rules for manifesting.  Remember, there is always some work involved with manifesting.  It may be a little more or a little less. 

Get a Boost

 You can also get a boost with your manifestation by watching and listening to my video: "Yes, please. The Manifestation Subliminal" on my The Red Lotus Subliminals YouTube channel.  It really works. I'm not saying that because I created it.  I've tried it myself. 

Zodiac Sign Predictions

What transit will support (insert zodiac sign here)'s manifestation and bring it into their reality?

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The Wand Six, or when Jupiter is in Leo, is a time that will support your desire and bring it to life. This could also indicate Leo season. Clarified by the Strength card, it indicates that  you will achieve especially positive results in love and business goals. Consult an ephemeris to find when Jupiter will be in Leo.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The best time to set those intentions for you, dear Taurus, is during Capricorn season. The Ace of Pentacles clarified the transit,  further indicating that spring is also an awesome time for you to set those intentions. You seem to have intense focus on your goals during this timeframe since you are trying to discover work that gives your life meaning. You may also be working with a partner or partners to reach this goal.  

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

 Gemini, the cards indicate that  Leo season is when you should set those intentions to manifest your desire. The Strength card confirms that this is the absolute best and strongest time. Like Aries,  love and business are positively impacted during this time.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

For you, Cancer, Sword Eight or Mercury in Gemini is the best time to set those intentions. Clarified by the High Priestess, you'll will be free from restrictions - whether physical or spiritual, and you will be able to follow through with the actions necessary to bring your desire to life. Consult an ephemeris to find when Mercury is in Gemini.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

Taurus season is the best time for you, Leo, to set intentions and work toward  manifesting your desires. Like Cancer, this season shows you free from a contract or a restriction that bound you and kept you from safely moving forward with your desires.  You may gain some help during this time that will  assist you in manifesting your desire. 

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

Lucky Virgo, like Aries,  you have Jupiter on your side. The best time to do your manifestation work  is when Jupiter is in Leo.  It seems this transit will be supported by Aries, the sign of initiative, hard work and determination.  It sees Virgo that the wait is over. Any problems that caused you anxiety will be resolved - one by one. Consult an ephemeris to find when Jupiter will be in Leo.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

When the   Sun is  in Aries or Aries season is the best  time to set your intentions.  Like Virgo there is an indication that you have been waiting for things to happen, or have been feeling stuck for some time.  Aries season will facilitate the release from binds and restrictions, and like Virgo, you will find solutions to problems that  will resolve-one by one.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

 Scorpio, you may have been hoping for a miracle. Well here it is: Gemini in Virgo is the best transit for you to set intentions. You will be supported by the planet Mercury as you finally figure out what will make your life either more creative, meaningful and/or fulfilling.  The end of any struggle you feel you are experiencing will be aided by this transit. Desires such as wanting a successful career or a marriage are indicated. 

Sagittarius   (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

 Uranus in Libra is the best time for you to do your manifestation work, Sag.  Since the last time Uranus was in Libra was 1975,  your date was clarified by the Ace of Swords and the King of Swords.  Which means that the best time frame for you to utilize for manifestation is anytime during Libra season. If you feel drawn to do manifestation rituals during Aquarius and Gemini season, go for it! This is a great time for you to do manifestation work because your efforts will bear fruit. In other words, you will get what you want. Career and work are highlighted. You may attract a serendipitous job opportunity and side hustles will  be very profitable.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Look no further than your very own season to set your intentions and do your manifestation work.  Yep, that's right.  For some of you, Saturn may transit Virgo or Venus may transit Capricorn during your birthday season.  otherwise, look for when  Saturn in Virgo or Venus in Capricorn as timeframes for doing your manifestation work.  During this time, you will be able to easily lay those burdens down and shake off any adversity.  Consult an ephemeris to find when Saturn is in Virgo or Venus.

Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20)

Since Neptune entered Pisces in the year 2011 and spends approximately 13.5 years in a sign, Neptune in Pisces indicates that NOW! Yes, Now is the best time for you to do your manifestation work, Pisces.   You will get the strongest effect, more  specifically, when the Sun is in Aries or during Aries season.  

I hope that information will be helpful to all of you who are trying to bring your desires into your 3D reality.  

 Part II.  View the Companion  You Tube Video: When Will My Manifestation Happen? 


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