Collective Tarot Predictions Reading: "Reclaiming Your Power and Time"


Good E'en my gentle-manifesters,

This is a collective prediction for the week in the header.  

Big changes ahead, I see.

Yes, in education, business and romance.   Because you feel stressed out and want a change. 

First, some of you have decided to change  a challenging course or path in your life, or literally - a course that you are taking at school.  This puts you on a better path. Now you feel you can tackle any challenges, and you will. You will fight until you succeed.  

As it relates to business and career, you may tackle a new job that comes in the form of an apprenticeship or sponsorship or internship. At your current place of employment,  you may feel like you are laboring with little support. Phew. Hang in there!  

Others of you may have a  little tough luck and have to or choose to "separate" from your current career/job during Libra season, which means, you could quit, be demoted, or let go. 

For all you business owners who are struggling, I see that you've decided to just "let go" and let the universe do its thing. You may feel you're pushing too hard for something that may not be destined to happen. 

No worries, between now and the end of Aries season, you will have big changes for the better.  The six of wands indicates a victory after a difficult start. A new profession, relationship or program that is more to your liking will replace the one that caused you so much stress.  Wherever or whatever this replacement, you will certainly enjoy it and feel more extroverted and energized.

 This change will bring in new friends ( a classier set)  that will certainly think you are the life of the party or inject more fun into your life or lifestyle. 

 You may not know it, but  it will be your powerful mind and all that positive thinking you're  doing, despite the hardships, that  catapults you to victory. 

Astrological Vibe

The astrological vibe feels like  Saturn in  Virgo, which leaves you feeling like a doormat.  You are doing too much work for too little reward. You want to reclaim your power by putting your own ideas into action. There is a need for independence and autonomy.

  And  Saturn in Taurus  makes you take a long hard look at your circumstances,

so you can decide where your life needs to be balanced and more fulfilling. Is it your finances, your relationships, your career or vocation? This is a time for you to take action! 


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