A Zodiac All-Signs Tarot Finance Reading


 Good E'en  to all my gentle man-ifesters, 

If money is your focus, this is your zodiac tarot finance reading for the week in the header.  (The week ahead)

Zodiac Sign Predictions

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Have you been saving for a vacation, Aries? You seem really satisfied and very happy with your money situation this week. I dare say, you have more than enough money to splurge. You are being generous with your funds,  taking trips and going on get-a-ways - where you visit luxurious spas for for massages and much needed healing and  relaxation. 

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

This week you're setting your sights on financial goals.  Planning out your future and talking, perhaps, to a financial advisor or counselor.  This could also mean setting a budget that you would like to stick to. Others of you have a head start and simply want to preserve the money you've accumulated. And it seems to be a good amount.  The end result is,  you'd like  to gain more or protect your money. You want  a giant nest egg that will sustain you now or well into your twilight years.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini, this week your ability to make good financial decisions is astounding. It's as if you're on genius auto pilot when it comes to  money and business matters. You have drive and leadership. You may be a business owner whose long-term business starts to take off this week because of your outstanding business ideas. The Universe may be sending you downloads of brilliance to give your business a boost. 

A few of you may have a brilliant idea for a business start-up that you put into action this week. Business travel or a relaxing trip  is also indicated.  Ooh, are you going to a spa with Aries?

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Rock steady, Cancer. You too have a brilliant idea.  Albeit, it may only work temporarily. But while it does, it should bring in a steady stream of income for you. You may create a product, teach people how to do something, organize, or put together a display (marketing) or brand idea...????  Hey, that's what I'm getting; don't shoot the messenger. 

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

Leo if you are investing, the assets that you were celebrating for their high returns may take a nosedive this week.  No need to worry if you are a long-term investor, but if you are day trading or a short-term investor, you may want to watch whatever you've invested in closely. 

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

Oh my, Virgo this week you may choose to take a break, a leave of absence or plain ol' just quit your job. You're following the voice inside that tells you this isn't the right fit for you and  that there is something better out there. Well, you know there is. You're in a professional position, so getting another job won't be hard for you.  This environment did, however, leave you feeling vulnerable for one reason or another. Your employer may have been recording your every move with  with cameras or  hovering intensely or giving out negative reviews like candy, which made you feel inadequate.  Don't question yourself. You're a professional and  know exactly what you're doing.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

 An exchange of vows, or a marriage proposal, starting a business with a lover or spouse is likely this week. You and your romantic partner could start up a venture of be at the stage where you are imagining what it would be like to open said venture.  Of course, you love your partner, and you both love this business idea. You've been dreaming about it for a very long time. Both of you will merge your talents and resources with eyes toward this venture. Odds are good that you will be working on a business plan or proposal, as well.  An internet or computer business is indicated. 

Sagittarius   (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

You may hear news about a financial investment. Someone may owe you money during this time. And you may be dealing with some type of foreign exchange  or cryptocurrency as part of your investment plan. A long awaited settlement arrives. Could be legal, could be an investment settlement or gambling, or otherwise.  And because you are wrapping up a legal or financial cycle, Sagittarius, you may be talking to a financial advisor or counseling others about their finances. Either way, this includes goal setting ideas for reaching a target amount, which could include things like setting a budget. Donating to a charity is also indicated.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Aquarius you're successfully using quick meditations and  affirmations this week to bring in more money. You could be increasing your marketing strategy to land more contact or clients for your business. A business related to psychic work, vision, seeing and eyeglasses, contacts is indicated. Word of mouth will be very important in growing your business. If you sell products, orders could come in from around the globe. You may find that you are on your way to becoming a business juggernaut because you take a risk that ultimately pays off.  Amazon watch out!

Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20)

You may be throwing caution to the wind and gambling. Wishing with all your heart to hit it big and get that bag.  You are trying to stretch your money to make it go further this week, as it is in short supply. You will get a lucky break. It may be that you win some money through gambling. It's all good though.  You will have enough to do what you need. 


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