A Collective Tarot Finance Reading : The Financial Force is Strong With This One."


If money is your focus, this is your collective tarot finance reading for the week in the header.  You know that  I mean the week ahead.  I hope you enjoy. 

This week you find yourself sitting "high on the hog" as far as finances go. Some form of luck  has gifted, or your own prudence has enabled, you to be riding and buying in style.

Look at you Daddy and/or Momma Warbucks!

 You may get into a beautiful luxury car this week which you can easily afford to buy or lease. If you are a home owner, you may be expanding or adding on to your property.  Renters don't fear, the good vibes also includes you.  With your  new found fortune, you can afford to lease a  better residence.  Talk about a new "lease on life."  But you are by no means reckless; you spend what you can afford to spend and are careful to put any surplus away for the future.  I mean, how do they think you got to where you are financially?  Certainly not by being careless with your abundance. 

Though a few of you  may find yourself complaining about gas prices  or that the rent's  just "too damn high." 

If you're waiting for a check to come to you, I know it's frustrating, but the check is in the mail. Still, it doesn't help when you have plans for that money. Overall, though this is small potatoes because you are financially stable and in a good place. ...just annoying is all.  

Job offers will also be in your prevue, as someone makes you an offer that could expand and increase your earnings. I see you being really excited about this. Though not all of you will jump at the chance to take this job, simply because you have so many other offers to pick from, or your attention is focused on something else.

 Offers may come through the field of publishing, writing , or education.  Are you writing a mystery novel?  Ooh, I love mysteries.

But I digress, nothing can touch you this week as your you give me Saturn in Taurus vibes. Def-fi-nite-ly not the type  to spend more than you make. Disciplined Saturn in Taurus asks you to hold on to the money you work or worked so hard for.  

Good job!  


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