What! You Can Manifest Using Music?

What! you can manifest with music?

Yes, my friend. You can manifest with many tools and music is simply one of them.  Y'all know that I've been using my tarot and oracle cards to help me with manifesting by asking a whole bunch of questions about everything and anything.  This time was no different.  To find out if people could feasibly use music to assist with manifesting, I asked my oracle deck:

 "Is it possible to use music as tool to manifest?"

The answer was a resounding, "Yes! Of course you can."  Logically, the next question was: "...but how?"

My deck didn't disappoint.  

Don't be surprised that there are steps to manifesting.  I've written almost every article on this blog using steps. My deck told me that there were 10 steps, from what I could glean. But as I carried on, I wasn't sure it was actually 10.  I added a picture of the cards that I used to get the the steps to make this less educational and  for all the visual learners.  😉  

Some of the steps you'll notice are quite repetitive. I thought of consolidating them, but I wanted to leave  the message the way I received it.  Anyway, the steps are below.

Step 1
Put on your favorite music and block out all distractions. Try to quiet your mind. This doesn't mean in-the-zone, expert-guru meditation, but it does mean relax and be at peace.

Step 2
Relax your body.  Try to be light as a feather.

Step 3
This one is strange, but it told me that you should literally position yourself North West (NW).  You'll have to try to figure out how to lie like this based on your home's setting.  I took it to mean, try to find a relaxing area in the  NW section of your home, or position your body to face NW.  

Step 4
Focus your intention on what you want to manifest. You should do this for a certain amount of time, at least 60 seconds.

Step 5
Let things happen naturally while you are relaxed. Whatever thoughts come to you, let it be so. Release control.

 Step 6
This step insisted that you "move forward."  I understood it to mean moving forward , once you've focused on your intention quietly for at least 60 seconds.  It's time to celebrate.  Dance, move, enjoy the music. 

 Step 7
Again, focused on "moving forward."  This is where I started to see that the last  couple of steps were overlapping.   You may want to immediately do some work that is related to what you want to manifest.  Move toward your goal to make it happen.

 Step 8
Repetition of "forward movement," except with "force."  Here you should go after what you want with "force" and strength.  So you can continue to work on getting  what you want, or think about getting what you want. I felt  that this was encouragement from the deck,  just to wrap it up and give a reminder  to "never give up, " but to keep being persistent. 

Step 9 
More encouragement and advice to work on the goals, perhaps. As I mentioned before,  do this    sometime following the session. I think you could even work on your goals during the session while listening to your music. Just make sure it's definitely  after step six.  You'll be too busy dancing to work on goals.

 Step 10
The advice here was certainly a change from the iterated advice of steps six through nine. The advice was to do something different, change routine and do something I had never done before.  When I clarified the message with my tarot deck, the message was the same. Do something that was strange and different. Something never done before or that would be out of routine or character. Something unique.  I didn't get the vibe it was  something negative or evil, just different. This would apply, for example, in the realm of  business.  You would change something about that business. Freshen it up. Change vendors, change the marketing strategy etc.  Or an individual, for example,  if you don't like to dance, try dancing.  It could even be something as simple as going for a walk,  granted that's not something that is typically a part of your routine.

  Nonetheless, the cards advised that anyone who manifests with music should find some way to  change up their routine following the session.  How long following the session do you have enact this change? I'm not sure.

I hope that this brings some clarity to you about manifesting using music.  And if you still have questions, feel free to contact me. 


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