Can These Two Tarot Strategy Help You Manifest a Lottery Win?

Can Tarot Help You Win the Lottery?

My Disclaimer

First, let me say that this particular piece is for entertainment and research purposes only! I strongly believe that winning a major lottery jackpot is based on fate. This is not to say that you can't win a lot of money or any money playing the lottery using tarot; it can help with that. Just don't go in with huge expectations and take this advice with a grain of salt.  Nonetheless, if you still want to give it a try, there is a strategy that I've developed that has helped me win some money playing the lottery.

Two Strategies

Have a Dedicated Deck or Decks to Use

This is optional, but I find that it is best to have one or two decks that you use strictly for playing the lottery. This is especially important for strategy number 1 since after interviewing the deck, you will assign a number to each card to know exactly what each card number represents the instant it appears.

Optional: You want to grab a copy of or a game play card for the game you want to win. It's simply to help you focus. Don't do anything with it, just have it near you.

Interviewing the Deck

The first thing that I would recommend is interviewing your tarot or oracle deck for both strategies.

Interview my decks? What does that mean?

Interviewing the decks means that you ask the cards the question: what signifies or symbolizes a thing?

Strategy 1

Step 1 - Interview Each Deck

 Using your first deck: "What card in this deck would always signify the number one (1)?" Pull a card. That card signifies the number one (1).  Continue with all the numbers contained in the numbered lottery game you'd like to play. Don't forget to record each number. 

Use your second deck or an oracle deck to ask: "What card would always signify a 'yes' answer?" 

Then pull the card. The card you pull would signify "yes."

 "What card would always signify a 'no' answer?"

 The card you pull would signify "no."

I Got it!

Ok. Good. 

You will need the decks to have as many cards as there are lottery numbers. A standard deck with at least seventy-eight tarot cards is generally sufficient.

Step 2 - Yes or No

Use the second deck or oracle cards (whichever you prefer) to ask you cards if today is a lucky day for you to play the lottery. Because you've interviewed your deck, you will know if it gives you a "yes" or "no." If it's a "no," put away your decks and try again tomorrow. If it's a "yes," then proceed to step three.

Step 3 - Set Your Intention

 I find that, the more specific you can be with the wording, the better the results. Say exactly what you want to achieve. I will again use the Powerball Lottery game as an example.

For example: " Give me the card that will signify the first winning jackpot number, that will be drawn and announced, for the (insert/ date/ here) Powerball lottery game." Be sure to use month/day/year.

Step 4 - Pull the Card

Pull the card. You can also choose to let it fly, but that may yield too many results. Once you have the card, write it down. It will signify the first (1st) winning number. Continue until you get all six cards, and record the number each card signifies. Since I used the Powerball game for this example, the the sixth number signifies the "Powerball."

Strategy 2

What you do is this:

Step 1 - Interview the Decks

You will not need to interview your first deck for numbers.

Use your second deck or an oracle deck to ask: "What card would always signify a 'yes' answer?"

Then pull the card. The card you pull would signify "yes."

"What card would always signify a 'no' answer?"

The card you pull would signify "no."

Step 2- Yes or No

Ask you cards if today is a lucky day for you to play the lottery. Because you've interviewed your deck, you will know if it gives you a "yes" or "no." If it's a "no," put away your decks and try again tomorrow. If it's a "yes," then proceed to step three.

Step 3-  Set Your Intention.

Depending on the game you are playing, ask for a card to be shown for each winning jackpot number for whatever game play date you want to know about. I find that, the more specific you can be with the wording, the better the results. Say exactly what you want to achieve. The example I will use is the Powerball Lottery game.

For example say: " Give me the card that will signifies the first winning jackpot number, that will be drawn and announced, for the (insert/ date/ here) Powerball lottery game." Be sure to use month/day/year.

Step 4- Pull the Card

 You can also choose to let it fly, but that may yield too many results. Once you have the card, write it down. It will signify the first (1st) winning number.

Since I used the Powerball game for this example, don't forget to choose a card that will signify the sixth number- the "Powerball." Continue the process until you get all six numbers.

You've Got All Your Cards! Fantastic!

Now that you've completed those steps, the fun begins at step four.

Step 5- Record the Cards

We will continue with the Powerball example. Pretend that I drew these cards to indicate my winning numbers:

Knight of Pentacles - First Winning Jackpot Number

Sun - Second Winning Jackpot Number

Queen of Cups - Third Winning Jackpot Number

Eight of Cups - Fourth Winning Jackpot Number

Three of Cups - Fifth Winning Jackpot Number

Devil - The Sixth Winning Jackpot Number (The Magik "Powerball")

Write the cards down, so that you don't forget.

Step 6- Reshuffle. Reset. 

 Put all the cards back and reshuffle them. Now, you will set your intention, again, to win the lottery jackpot. Remind your cards or your higher self, what you are trying to accomplish. Here, you also decide how you will draw: from the top, randomly from the deck or letting the cards fly. Remember that letting the cards fly may yield too many results. You want one card to represent each winning number.

Step 7-  Draw and Ask

Now ask: "Is '1' the first winning jackpot number that will be drawn and announced for the Powerball game on (insert/ date/ here)?"

In this case, since the Knight of Pentacles is our first winning jackpot number, you would keep asking and counting until you draw the Knight of Pentacles from the deck.

Say that I ask the question all the way to ten (10) and… viola, the Knight of Pentacles appears at the number ten (10). The cards just told you that ten (10) would be the first winning Powerball jackpot number that will be drawn and announced. Write down the number. Easy peezy, right?

Continue step six through to the last - that magik "Powerball" number.

That's it! It takes some time to do, but may be worth the effort or you can also just employ what other do, random number picking.

A Final Note

People who have successfully won the lottery large amounts of money playing the lottery typically play for consistently for years before winning big. Playing the same numbers consistently has also been recognized as a mathematical sound strategy. So you may want to do this tarot session once and keep playing the same numbers once a week. Timing, luck, fate and persistence are all at play, but a broken clock is right at least twice a day, right?

Though I can't tell you how to spend your money. I recommend buying just one ticket, a week or less. I'm definitely will not be advocating gambling or facilitating you in developing a gambling problem. Know that the number one rule of speculating is this: "Never Invest More Than You Can Afford to Lose."

You can also support your efforts by pairing them with "The Lottery Subliminal" for inviting luck and fortune which can be found on my YouTube channel: The Red Lotus Subliminals.

What Doesn't Work Well

Assigning a lottery number to each card doesn't work very well, but you're welcome to try the first strategy. I find that this is too cumbersome and tedious, and the card number signifiers may change. Also, if you lose focus, tarot may give you a message or answer unrelated to choosing lottery numbers. But you are welcome to try this method.

Please let me know how these strategies work out for you or if you have any strategies that you have tried that work for you. Feel free to email me:


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