How to Manifest Using Colors


Some Intro

A few years ago, while creating a work and finance related oracle deck of 100 cards called the "A.S.K. Career Oracle Deck," I recalled being at a loss for what to do with seven remaining cards. I'm not sure how the idea came to me, probably through divine download - but I decided to add colors to the deck - Roy G. BIV colors.  Colors that could represent each day of the week.  I wanted to colors to help people who were aspiring and had goals and dreams that they wanted to make real. I added some messages related to this. On my "Blue Day" card, I added:  "For success wear something blue today. Write a desire in the color space above."  

I wanted my clients and customers to be able to use these extra cards to write anything that they wanted to manifest down and have a constant reminder of it when shuffling the deck.  I added the image below so you can have a great visual of what I'm talking about. 

As you can see, I tested the yellow and violet day out by writing an affirmation on the "Yellow Day" card and an aspiration on the Purple Day card- just as it instructed.  Even then, I had a feeling that color was a great tool to use to manifest.  

Color, definitely, can serve as an oracle. It can confirm how you are feeling. It acts as a symbol and even has it's own rhythm - if you're musically inclined to see music in color. 

Color opens up the imagination and because it is tied to symbolism, is part of the language of the  subconscious.

Enough Intro, Get to it Already!

Ok. Ok. Here it is.  I've basically given you most of the info in the intro.  The point is, you can use color when trying to manifest. Choose a color based on which makes you feel your best or what draws you.  Once you choose a particular color, it would be  good to know what the color you've chosen signifies by looking it up on the internet or a good research book. That's the color oracle meaning. 
If you look up the meaning, it may tell you a great deal about what's happening in your life, currently, and explain why you were drawn to that color. 


With all of this, make sure you set an intention before proceeding:  

How to Use Color to Manifest!

If you are scripting, use a certain colored writing instrument or colored paper.
If you're visualizing, set the mood with colored candles.
If you are meditating or praying, choose a room that is painted a certain color, or 
decorate your space with a certain color.
Crystals can even be used to manifest. Surround yourself, or hold a special piece close to you.

That's really about it. Do everything you would typically do to manifest; just focus on using color. Below, I detail what each color typically signifies.

Color Meanings

Red - In Western culture, some typical meanings include: passion, lust , control, pause or stop and practicality.  Other meanings such as: life, health, vigor, war, courage, anger, envy, "love" and religious fervor may also be attached. This color is connected to the Root Chakra.  Associated with the numbers:  4, 6 and 7. 

Orange - In Western culture, some typical meanings include: creativity, extroversion, expression, playfulness, vision, warnings, fun, strength, and even courage. This color is connected to the Sacral Chakra.  Associated with the numbers: 7,  9 and  11.

Yellow - In Western culture, some typical meanings include: playfulness, brilliance, ideas, children, strength, happiness, life. This color is connected to the Manipura Chakra.  Associated with the numbers: 2, 6, 10 and 17.

Green - In Western culture, some typical meanings include: nature, earth, money, movement, growth, risk, achievement and progression, emotions. This color is connected to the Heart Chakra.  Associated with the numbers: 7, 8, 10, 13 and 15.

Blue -  In Western culture, some typical meanings are: communication, connection, speech, shyness, relaxation, emotions, and  spirituality. This color is connected to the Throat Chakra.  Associated with the numbers:  1, 9, and 13. 

Indigo -  In Western culture, some typical meanings include: wisdom, perception, spirituality, the subconscious, superiority,  vision, intuition, royalty, old money, and power. This color is connected to the Third Eye Chakra.  Associated with the numbers: 3,  4, 6,  8,  9  and 12.

Violet - In Western culture, some typical meanings include:  peace, spirituality, the subconscious, superiority awareness,  power, royalty, uncanny events, being unique, power, wealth, self-knowledge,  This color is connected to the Crown Chakra. Associated with the numbers:  5, 10, 11.

White - I know this one isn't an actual Roy G. Biv color.  White is all colors, it reflects all light and absorbs none. In Western culture, some typical meanings include: purity, angels, heaven, God, goodness. Other meanings include: death and sadness. White is associated with the number: 0, 7, 8, 9, 10

I hope you enjoyed this article.  Thanks for hanging with me.


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