Align to the Universe to Speed up Your Manifestation

 When manifesting, one question you may have is: How do I know I'm in alignment with the universe and my manifestation?

Easy peasy answer. 

The Universe's response to the question is the following:

1. Follow the Rules

By the rules, this means the rules for manifestation as outlined in my previous blog post. Click here to view.

2. Look for a Sign

Signs include successes. Any success related to your manifestation is a positive sign that you are in alignment, and any obstacles should be fairly easily overcome.

3. Stay the Course

This Knight of Pentacles energy indicates that you stay the course. Be persistent, follow your hunches and avoid chaos. Especially the kind that would have you swimming upstream and, therefore,delay your manifestation.

4. Trust Yourself

This is perhaps the most important sign that lets you know you're in alignment. Since you are a reflection of the universe/source, it's good to guage your feelings or rather how you feel about yourself before, during and while waiting on your manifestation.  Because your feelings reflect your connection to the universe, when you trust yourself,  you have explicitly placed your trust in the universe.

Bottom line: Let the universe lead by  trusting where your intuition is leading you.

Do you have questions for The Universe?  


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