
Showing posts from August, 2022

Can These Two Tarot Strategy Help You Manifest a Lottery Win?

Can Tarot Help You Win the Lottery? My Disclaimer First, let me say that this particular piece is for entertainment and research purposes only! I strongly believe that winning a major lottery jackpot is based on fate. This is not to say that you can't win a lot of money or any money playing the lottery using tarot; it can help with that. Just don't go in with huge expectations and take this advice with a grain of salt.  Nonetheless, if you still want to give it a try, there is a strategy that I've developed that has helped me win some money playing the lottery. Two Strategies Have a Dedicated Deck or Decks to Use This is optional, but I find that it is best to have one or two decks that you use strictly for playing the lottery. This is especially important for strategy number 1 since after interviewing the deck, you will assign a number to each card to know exactly what each card number represents the instant it appears. Optional: You want to grab a copy of or a game play c

How to Manifest Using Colors

  Some Intro A few years ago, while creating a work and finance related oracle deck of 100 cards called the " A.S.K. Career Oracle Deck, " I recalled being at a loss for what to do with seven remaining cards. I'm not sure how the idea came to me, probably through divine download - but I decided to add colors to the deck - Roy G. BIV colors.  Colors that could represent each day of the week.  I wanted to colors to help people who were aspiring and had goals and dreams that they wanted to make real. I added some messages related to this. On my "Blue Day" card, I added:  "For success wear something blue today. Write a desire in the color space above."   I wanted my clients and customers to be able to use these extra cards to write anything that they wanted to manifest down and have a constant reminder of it when shuffling the deck.  I added the image below so you can have a great visual of what I'm talking about.  As you can see, I tested the yellow a

What! You Can Manifest Using Music?

What! you can manifest with music? Yes, my friend. You can manifest with many tools and music is simply one of them.  Y'all know that I've been using my tarot and oracle cards to help me with manifesting by asking a whole bunch of questions about everything and anything.  This time was no different.  To find out if people could feasibly use music to assist with manifesting, I asked my oracle deck:  "Is it possible to use music as tool to manifest?" The answer was a resounding, "Yes! Of course you can."   Logically, the next question was: "...but how?" My deck didn't disappoint.   Don't be surprised that there are steps to manifesting.  I've written almost every article on this blog using steps. My deck told me that there were 10 steps, from what I could glean. But as I carried on, I wasn't sure it was actually 10.  I added a picture of the cards that I used to get the the steps to make this less educational and  for all the visual l

Align to the Universe to Speed up Your Manifestation

  When manifesting, one question you may have is: How do I know I'm in alignment with the universe and my manifestation? Easy peasy answer.  The Universe's response to the question is the following: 1. Follow the Rules By the rules, this means the rules for manifestation as outlined in my previous blog post. Click here to view. 2. Look for a Sign Signs include successes. Any success related to your manifestation is a positive sign that you are in alignment, and any obstacles should be fairly easily overcome. 3. Stay the Course This Knight of Pentacles energy indicates that you stay the course. Be persistent, follow your hunches and avoid chaos. Especially the kind that would have you swimming upstream and, therefore,delay your manifestation. 4. Trust Yourself This is perhaps the most important sign that lets you know you're in alignment. Since you are a reflection of the universe/source, it's good to guage your feelings or rather how you feel about yourself before, duri