Using Scripting to Manifest

One of the most popular techniques used to manifest intentions is scripting.  Scripting is simply wiriting down your intentions, repeatedly. You can  choose to write down your intentions once a day or at  the same time daily in a dedicated notebook or journal. What's important is that when you write your intention down,  you do it at least three times for each session. 

In Vedic astrology, their is a belief  that when choosing a person chooses a new name for a name change, that in order to change the years of energy stored in a person's old name, one should  sign his or her new name a specific amount of times per day using a certain colored ink.

When trying to manifest your intention, scripting with a certain colored ink pen or pencil or on a specific colored pad could also be useful. Choose a color that you feel attracted to  based on the intention you are setting.

When writing down your intention, be sure to first set the intention for exactly what you want in your mind, and keep it there the entire time you're scripting. 

 Use SMART goal style: Specific, Measurable, Actionable,  Relevant,  and Timely. I believe in 
 planning with the end in mind.  Ultimately, what is the objective or result you are trying to achieve?

 These three starter phrases are most effective when scripting: 
  • I wish...
  • Please allow...
  •  I am manifesting...

For example if you wanted to manifest $100K:

"Dear Universe,
I wish to accumulate $100K in cash from selling my digital art by the end of December of 2023."

You can certainly get even more specific, but you get the idea here.

Write this down at least three times, daily. 
That's basically it. Always remember that no matter what technique you use to manifest what you want, you have hold the intention in your mind, always.


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