Walk the Path: Steps to Actually Manifesting Your Desires into Reality

If you are new to the art of manifesting what you want, let me be clear. You have to follow a few rules. Yes, of course you do.   Unfortunately, everything in existence is bound by rules.   But that's ok.  I'm going to give you the rules that my tarot/oracle cards gave me.  That's what this blog is about, examining and combining tarot and manifestation.  
These are the general steps and rules for manifesting according to my oracle deck: I've attached a picture of the cards I received below for your viewing pleasure. 

1. Psychic  
The eye is all about vision and clear focus - very easy to understand.

Set an intention:   Focus on it. Dream and imagine it, then be very "clear."  Clearly define it.  As an educator, I was always taught to begin with the end in mind when I was planning.  At the end of my lesson, what did I want my students to learn.  

For example, I used a goal that was Specific, MeasureableAttainableRelevant and Timely  (SMART).  The goal looked something like this: "By the end of June 2019, 80% of my 9th grade students will increase their scores on a standard RL.1 assessment by 5 pts."  
You must do that too.  Clearly define what you want, but start with the end in mind.  For home ownership, the goal may look like this, for example:  
"I want to buy a  Craftsman style home, in Concord, New Hampshire for $350,000, with three stories and bamboo wood floors in a neighborhood with nice neighbors and an excellent school district   by the end of December 2022." 

 If something is truly important to you, be specific about it. The more specific you are the better. Do this, even if you have no idea how it will happen.  

2.  Money Moves
 This was by far the most complicated step. Because coins  were stacked on a chess board, I ultimately understood this to mean that there are different ways to move or accomplish this step.  Some people are born into royalty. They do whatever they feel. Some people can only make certain moves, and other people can use strategy to get by.
The cards told me  at least three main things with this step.  
  • Mainly, that individuals exist who are naturally and magically gifted and are able to manifest with ease.  I mean like, abra, cadabara manifesting. They can do step one only, and skip all the other steps.
  •  In case you aren't one of those people. You can try an even exchange of energy give something to get something. This means something as simple as: paying it forward - being helpful, generous and kind to others. 
  • Another way ( and by far the most reachable for most of us) is just actually physically move toward the thing you want or walk the path.  This step will vary based on your gifts and talents and desires.
3. Zoology
"Aww, a cute little doggie dressed in a nurses outfit.  Who told this dog he could be a nurse?!  He thinks he's people."

This just means that while trying to manifest, you should
Stay optimistic: Have fun and act as if you already have what you desire. Even if people think it's weird or out of reach for you.

4. Convergence
People gathered in a huddle. They are getting ready to join forces.

Let go: Give up control of the outcome and how you think the thing you desire will arrive.  Surrender to the universe and spirit. (The cards tell me that typically spirit or your spirit team handles it from here. Gooooo, Team!)

5. Air Traffic Controller
This is a card like the magician. This guy is making things happen on the runway.  He's in charge of guiding the planes to a safe landing. He has a glow stick?! Naww, it's a magic wand in his hand. 

Voila: Your desired outcome will appear, probably out of the blue, like magic. And most likely, not in the way you expected.

One more thing: The Universe wanted me to let you know. Don't ignore your most earnest desires. That nudge or inkling is your soul thirsting to bring you fulfillment. You will, ultimately, get what you're yearning for.  

That is all ladies and gentlemen. I hope this is helpful to you. As always, feel free to  keep me posted on your manifesting endeavors.  

Welcome to the Magik Side. 😜


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