It's Over: Three (3) Signs That Will Let You Know When to Move On From Your Intention

  Your intention is the goal or dream you want to bring into existence.  Many people set their sights on a goal and never want to let go.  They hang on for dear life.  They may waste their talents, time and energy on something that will never come to pass. Not everything you try to manifest will come to pass. That's not pessimism, just a harsh reality.  

I'll give you two explanations. The esoteric:  your intention or goal or dream won't manifest because it's not meant for you. The mundane: you give up too soon or are disheartened by obstacles.  

But honestly, I feel closer to the esoteric explanation which touts: what's truly meant for you will never pass you by, even when you give up.  

So what are three ways you can  truly recognize that your intention will manifest?  I asked my tarot and oracle cards to explain. This is what they told me:  

Number 1

Interpretation of Invisible and The Two of Wands- not seeing what you are supposed to easily see from your work or effort.  Trying many different ways to be recognized and "seeing" no results. 

Here you encounter  delays or  long extended wait for what you want to appear. You may try to market yourself or your product in many alternative ways, but no one seems to recognize your efforts.

This makes me think of Avicci's song "Waiting:"

Monday left me broken

Tuesday, I was through with hoping

Wednesday, my empty arms were open

Thursday, waiting for love, waiting for love

Thank the stars it's Friday

I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday

Guess I won't be coming to church on Sunday

I'll be waiting for love, waiting for love to come around

The song talks about waiting day after day for love that never really comes. 

Question:  How will you know when I've waited too long?  


The Devil card answers this.

You will be bombarded with many choices and/or  too many variables. In addition, you will face complications, restrictions, blocks and confusion about where you are going. You will begin to lose sight of  the what and/or the why of your desire.  Forgetting the what and why, you find yourself asking these questions: What is it that I wanted, again?  Why am I  going after it?  Passion is lost and you forget why you loved this thing you are trying to manifest in the first place. 

Number 2

Interpretation of  Listening, The  Five of Cups and The Eight of Cups

  Listening - "Darkness doesn't equate to evil. Light does not always bring good." This means you think something is good for you, but in truth the thing you are pursuing is causing more damage than good. The five of cups and the eight of cups show two individuals with their backs turned.

 The initial great thing now turns to good, turns to bad. You experience stress, restlessness, unhappiness, and become tired of making any more effort. Feeling emotionally distressed and out of your mind due to the setbacks.  More and more you begin to feel like moving on.  You think you're cursed or like there is  dark cloud constantly hovering over your head.

Number 3

 Interpretation of The Tower and Honesty - An untenable situation begins to crumble. An unexpected shocking event or disaster reveals the truth. Be honest with yourself

Not receiving any real recognition or acclaim for your talent, no matter what you do, is the third sign.  A well as: Feeling like you're delusional or deluding yourself. Feeling like what you want is out of reach. Feeling compelled to follow a dream that will never come true and, now, being forced to give up.   Anything related to you goal or dream may include severe restrictions or complications, blockages. Anything related to this goal or dream seems to get struck down or "burn up" - turning to ash.  This is the universe or the hand of God/fate trying to move you in a new direction.  As with the tower, you won't miss the sign.  It tends to be devastating enough to recognize that the Universe wants you to let go or pivot to something else.  Fortunately, the Universe won't leave you hanging.  Another door will open for you to step through that points to your True North.


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