A Comment on Manifesting

 The first thing I heard when I began to write this post was that manifestation is a gift. For those who can reconnect to even a spark of passion, intuition and creativity, it is truly a blessing.

 In simple terms, manifestation is the ability to turn your desires into reality. 

In the most mundane sense: being able to conceive a goal and work at that goal until it shows up in the real 

In the esoteric sense: it's magically bringing something into your reality by perception or by using all the senses.  But mainly by just thinking about something long enough and oft to make it occur.

Is this really possible?  Can someone just think of something and poof! It happens? That's why I began this journey. I have already magically manifested little things into my reality simply by speaking about them.  Things have even happened by me thinking about them.  What  I noticed  was the most consistent, however, was that I had to be experiencing real emotions for something to manifest.  For example, I was super angry or really sad, or extremely passionate.

It's gotten to the point where my children tell me, "Mom, be careful what you say. You know you can make it happen."  Yeah, but honestly, I manifest not so good things, magically.  Who wants to do that?!  I feel as if the things I "make happen" are more premonitions than magically manifesting.  Besides, I have had prophetic dreams, plenty of times.  And my intuition is pretty good. Afterall, I do read tarot. 

 When  trying to manifest, I don't feel the same techniques work for everyone. That's why I created several videos on both of  my You Tube channels for each zodiac sign to explore. The video was entitled: "Use This Technique to Magically Manifest." In other words, I wanted my viewers to be able to see what technique works best for their zodiac sign?  By technique, I meant: scripting, speaking, prayer, visualizing, or all of the above.  

What I want to know is: can we really magically manifest?  I know we can make things happen with perseverance and hard work, most times.  But can someone truly use thought, scripting, prayer or speaking to materialize the things they want in this world?  Some people sware by manifestion - otherwise known as:  "The Secret" or the "Law of Attraction." On this blog forum, I'm going to put finger to keyboard, and turn up my video making skills to examine just that. 

If you want to find out too. I guess you'll be hanging around, and we can find out together.  As we journey,  feel free to comment, send me emails and testimonials about manifestation. 

Oh, well.


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