Nope Not Today: Twin Flame Relationships are Simply B.S.

Before you accuse me of being negative, just continue reading.

My reasons for not accepting Twin Flame Relat
ionships as legit are simple:

1. When most people say Twin Flames, they mean finding "the one" true romantic soulmate that was created especially for them. This is someone most people see as their reflection or mirror - a harmonious counterpart.

2. What once was relegated to the understanding of a few "New Age" folk, has now become mainstream and trendy--like conspiracy theories. People are just creating a foolish, romanticized and highly idealized relationship with expectations that are out of reach. Life isn't a Hollywood movie.

3. A perfect relationship, or at least one that's perfect for you, should be harmonious and not wrought with conflict, evasiveness and separation. I mean, who wants this? Most people claim that Twin Flame relationships always include a separation. 

Karmic relationships include a separation.
Some soul contracts include separation once the contract ends. 

Why? Because you've either learned your lesson or paid your debt or both, and you are supposed to move on.

4. Most TF relationships are either karmic in nature or your obsessive/compulsive connection is caused by a combination of planets which can include: Pluto, and the moon's nodes (Rahu or Ketu). A TF relationship is like a quick burning and raging fire that has to be put out or consumes everything in its wake until nothing is left?

Who doesn't prefer a smoldering romance? To quote Friar Laurence in Romeo and Juliet,

"These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
Which as they kiss consume. The sweetest honey
Is loathsome in his own deliciousness
And in the taste confounds the appetite.
Therefore love moderately. Long love doth so.
Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow."

So the next time you utter Twin Flame, think about what you truly mean, intend and are manifesting into your life.


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