Our World's Creation as Explained by My Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

Consulting a deck of tarot cards can be fun and interesting. I like to consult tarot for self-improvement, reflection and  about the things that tend to confound us or that we have issues finding/getting real answers for. Keep reading to see how my deck of tarot cards (RWS) explained creation through symbology.

Creation is cyclic. (Western Version)

0/22 The Fool - God, and Man merged; The Ending and the Beginning; Birth

21. The World - Eternity; Time-Time Passing

20. Judgment - God's law; God's final determination as it applies to his creations-including spiritual servants

19. Sun - Creation of the suns

18. The Moon - Creation of the moons

17. The Star - Creation of stars

16. The Tower - Heaven, a pantheon and the attempted mutiny/coup of heaven; In the bible-the fall of Lucifer and his angels.

15. Devil - Sin/Evil/Temptation/Corruption

14. Temperance - Beginning creation of things; The laws, ingredients, and ideas for the conception of man, beings & universes; Science and its physical laws

13. Death -The black hole; A void; Physical death; transformation of form/energy

12. The Hanged Man - Limbo

11. Justice - The karma that determines/decides fate and destiny and keeps checks and balances. Maintains the laws

10. Wheel - The The outcome; determination and physical reward for karma

9. Hermit - The seeker; The hunter; The executioner (in more ways than one); Carries out the judgment; Possesses writ; Searching for a soulmate

8. Strength - Having attraction; Sexual intercourse

7. The Chariot - Choosing a divine partner/soulmate; Courtship

6. The Lovers- Matching with your complement/soulmate/partner; Destined and emotional connection

5. The Hierophant - The holy man gives his blessing. A marriage or wedding ceremony; The soulmates marry.

4. The Emperor - the marriage itself; The male divine counterpart; The "husband"

3. The Empress - The marriage itself; A pregnancy; Making a family; The female divine counterpart; The "wife"

2. The High Priestess - Heaven; The womb that nurtures and protects the child; Ovum

1. The Magician - The spark that makes life. Creative energy; Sperm


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